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Jisung: Good morning Minho! How are you?
Minho: Morning..good I'm kinda tired. How about you?
Jisung: I'm pretty good.

The boys walked toward their class. They had music for the first class. They sat next to each other. Minho took out his book but then Jisung stopped him.

Jisung: you better put this shit back into your bag
Minho: wha- why?
Jisung: Minho you are always reading. Like always! You should talk to people you know
Minho: hmm nah I'm good thanks
Jisung: Minho- ok look you know I have social anxiety, it doesn't mean that I have to stop interacting with people. I tried my best to overcome my fear! You should do the same. Talk with people!
Minho: I don't know Jisung..
Jisung: Remember when you helped me when I was going through a hard time. I shared my thoughts with you and after that I felt nice. You should do the same. Not necessarily with me but with someone you are comfortable with.
Minho: ok i will think about it. Thanks Jisung. I really appreciate it.
Jisung: No problem! Friends are always "here for each other"

As the two friends were talking they didn't realize that someone was listening to their conversation. Hyunjin was staring at them. As the two boys sat next to the door anyone who passed by could here their conversation. Hyunjin who had Music class too heard them.

"Maybe he stopped talking to me cause I was not paying attention to him", Hyunjin said to himself.

"I was always talking about my problems but I never listened to his problems. I am a bad friend."

Seungmin: Hyunjin stop talking to yourself and enter your class. You look like you have seen a ghost.
Hyunjin: sorry
Seungmin: hm weird..

During the class Hyunjin kept staring at Jisung and Minho. It's been a long time since he saw Minho talking to someone that much. He didn't know if he should be happy or sad as that "someone" was not him. The girl who was sitting next to him, tried to gain his attention.

Girl: Hyunjin! Why are you staring at Jisung and the weird kid. Look at me!
Hyunjin: weird kid? Minho?
Girl: yeah that guy. Everyone calls him the weird kid

At that moment Hyunjin realized that all the gossips and rumors he heard about the "weird kid" was actually about Minho. He thought that the only rumors about Minho was that he was deaf or mute. His eyes widened. He felt bad for Minho. He also felt stupid for not paying attention.

Girl: Hyunjin?
Hyunjin: don't talk to me
Girl: why? What did I say wro-
Hyunjin: Don't talk me, you are annoying.

The girl gasped and she started crying. She stood up and left the class. The teacher who was confused just sighed.

Minho watched the girl leaving. He realized that this girl was Mark's sister 'Mina'. He got this feeling that something bad would happened to him. His mind was telling him to stay with someone for the whole day.

Minho: hey- Jisung
Jisung: what's up?
Minho: I know it is weird but could you stay with me for the whole day.
Jisung: OF COURSE!

Jisung covered his mouth.

Mr Jack: You have something to say Han Jisung?
Jisung: uhh well
Minho: he was telling me that the way you teach was very interesting and that of course you would be the best teacher.

Everyone was shocked even Jisung. Minho never talked in class. So it was the first time that some students heard his voice.

Mr Jack: i- Thanks. I don't know what to say.. um let's continue with our class so..

[During break]

Jisung: Thanks for saving my ass
Minho: yeah don't worry it was my fault actually
Jisung: no it wasn't. Im proud of you! You talked to someone! I'm going to cry
Minho: chill man. Wait are you actually crying!?

Jisung hugged Minho while crying. The younger male who was confused just hugged back. He then saw his others friends coming toward them. Minho noticed that Hyunjin was mad.

Jisung talked how Minho saved him and everyone was proud of him. But  Minho couldn't stop staring at Hyunjin. The taller male was quiet which was very weird..

[At the end of school]

Jisung: Ha today was a really good  day. I'm proud of you!
Minho: please don't start crying
Jisung: you literally asked me to say with you! I'm proud!
Minho: I hope Felix isn't jealous
Jisung: ya! Are you becoming a Seungmin number 2?
Minho: I was joking-

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