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Jisung: Minho..I don't know what happened but we need to tell a teacher.
Minho: ah no pls they will beat me up more if I tell a teacher.
Jisung: who? Who will beat you up?
Minho: M-Mark and his friends..
Jisung: wait so..we are telling the principal!
Minho: wait no!

Jisung grabbed Minho wrist and dragged him. Minho kept telling him to stop but Jisung wasn't listening to him. When they arrived infront of the principal's office, Jisung knocked on the door.


Jisung: Good morning Mr Choi
Mr Choi: Good morning, what is happening here?!
Jisung: Mark and his friends are bullying Minho
Mr Choi: is this true Minho?
Minho: i- yes it is Mr Choi...


Mr Choi asked Minho alot of questions. Mark and his friends got into trouble(finally). Mr Choi decided to send Minho home to rest.

[After school]

Felix: Jisung? Jisung?!
Jisung: what?!
Jeongin: what is wrong with you? And where is Minho?
Jisung: i- he is home
Changbin: woah he is fast
Jisung: no..well actually-

Jisung told the whole story to the boys.

Seungmin: what- I'm going to beat them up-
Changbin: let's go!
Jisung: Don't! Minho said he doesn't want us to get into trouble just because of him.
Jeongin: we need to tell Chan
Jisung: Chan will kill them if he discover about that
Felix: I mean ofc he would do that Minho is like a little brother to Chan.
Jisung: yeah but we can't beat them like that
Seungmin: too late, Hyunjin is already on his way..
Jisung: Hyunjin Don't!

Jisung and Felix stopped Hyunjin. The taller boy looked at them. He was angry. How could they touch Minho?!

Hyunjin: let me go-
Jisung: Hey stop! Minho said to not get into trouble. And we can't just beat them like that
Hyunjin: well they hurted Minho

They were trying to calm Hyunjin down. Then Jeongin ran toward them. He looked shocked..

Jeongin: Guys! CHAN IS HERE!?
Jisung: oh my-

Chan walked toward them with a big smile on his face. But did he know that this smile would suddenly fade away?

Seungmin started praying for some reason. Jeongin was panicking. Changbin was standing awkwardly with and awkward smile on his face. Jisung also started praying. Felix was too shocked he forgot how to speak. And Hyunjin well..he was about to tell Chan everything.

Chan: Hello kids! How are you? Why are you guys like that? And where is Minho?
Changbin: babe we need you to-
Hyunjin: Shut up let me talk!
Chan: Hyunjin what is wrong?
Hyunjin: some kids bullied Minho. They touched him Chan!? Jisung tell him how did you find Minho.
Jisung: um..well his clothes were almost ripped, he had bruises on his arms and hickeys on his neck. His eyes were red.

Chan's smile faded away. He looked at each of them.

Chan: who?
Hyunjin: mar-
Jisung: Let's go see Minho first! H-he must need you rn. Let's go to his house huh?!
Jeongin: yea let's go!

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