Chapter 2 (Past)

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Second day here, I wonder what will happen today?

Chapter 2

~Fresh Start~


was walking around the place. It's huge! There is more than the tent, there is a theme park, etc! But... There was something... Weird. The void. I don't know what it is all about. No one knows what's in the other side!

I was so lost in thought that I suddenly tripped. "Hey! Watch where your-!" I stopped talking when I saw it was the trouble maker... I rolled my eyes and stood up. "So, puppet girl, looks like your dorm is right next to mine~!" "Yeah, so?" "Well, quick heads up since your new. I think you should watch where your going or stepping..." Jax gave me an evil smile and it made me uncomfortable. "Uh... Yeah... Ragatha told me about you. And your pranks"

"Good! Seeya around new girl!" Jax walks away while whistling a tune. Then a few mins later, I heard that Kinger stood up to Jax today and told him that this is wrong and his pranks shouldn't go to far. Oh no...

Then, since that happened, Jax has been pranking Kinger when he got the chance. Ragatha went up to me and said. "This is why I was worried... By the way, I'm heading to Bella's room to borrow a couple of books, wanna come?" "Sure, I don't mind"

Bella had all sorts of books. Cooking books, fairytale books, history books, astrology books, story books, etc. But what caught my eye was a book with the title being

'The Tale of two Hearts. Ms. Perfect and Misunderstood'

'By Jessica Youngblood'

There was once a man with no respect for others, but to one person, he treats her like his lover/He treats her like his forever

He was rude, unpleasant and mean
But only one person sees the truth in the hidden gleem

The woman was smart, respectful and kind. But there is something she wonders in her mind

Why does the man have such an attitude around people? But I guess the truth is hidden amongst his trouble

The woman wonders why the man was so kind and respectful to her her I guess the secret will remain unknown, since the story was never known

His past was as cruel as time like being stuck in a room of crime

Moral of the story:
Do not judge a book, by its cover. You do not understand the pressure someone is going through until you see, hear and experience it for yourself

(The Poem was made by me btw, and yes that is my name)

"Y/n? Y/n? Y/n!" I snapped back into reality. I turned to Ragatha who seemed confused "You okay? What are you reading?" "N-Nothing! Uh, Bella? Can I... Borrow this one?" "Sure dear! Bring it back when your done reading"
"Okay! I gotta go, bye!" I dashed out of there. Running back to my room. I went to open the book and read again but I realized... I dropped it somewhere close to Bella's room-

HOW?!!! I opened my door and found the book wasn't there. Oh no... Suddenly, a voice coughed. I turned to see Jax holding the book. "You lookin' for this~?" "Give it back!" I tried getting the book from him but he didn't let me. "You think i'd give you this, that easily? Keep trying, dollface~!"

"(Swear) off!!!" I took the book and headed to my room. Making sure to lock it. I then heared a maniac laugh. "Tough one, huh? They easily break the most..." I heard footsteps fade away. I was safe. For now...

The next day, I saw Jax went up to me. "Hello there, new girl~!" "What do you want?" "I'm surprised you ain't scared. When people do that to me, I usually just give them a piece of my mind. But... Since your new, I'll let it slide"
"Thankyou?" "No problem! Seeya around!" He walked off. Now I was confused. I went to Ragatha's room and told her to go to my room. Don't ask why. I then told her this. She looked shocked.

"Okay, that is weird! Everyone is a target, even if your new... Are you sure he wasn't plotting?" "I don't think so..."
"Okay, I know this is much to ask, but... I need you to... Ask him. Personally..."
"WHAT?!! No!!!" "Just ask him! It's okay!" "No, no, no, no, NO!" "Please? I'm very curious!!" "Ugh, fine..."

I went outside my door and found Jax right there. Outside of my dorm...
"Uh... Hi...? We're you... Eavesdropping...?" "Yup! So, your curious?" "Yes...?" "Well, I'm not telling~ bye!"

"WAIT- hold on! Why aren't you gonna tell??? I have a friend really curious to know why you spared me!" "Your very persistent" "I know! I'm aware!" "Well, I ain't gonna tell you anything, but, you kinda act like a nerd" "Well you act insane!"







Jax looked annoyed but that quickly changed to a smirk. He chuckled. "Wow, your very different from the rest~! They usual stop trying" Y/n smirked and crossed her arms. "What can I say? I don't back down easily~"
Jax chuckled. "I don't think we had a... 'Proper' introduction. Let's start over. Names Jax! The prankster of the DC crew" A smile appeared on Y/n's faces. "I'm Y/n"

"Glad we had a fresh start! I'll seeya around, N/n!" Jax waved while smiling. He walked off leaving me there smiling a bit.

Meanwhile, when Y/n went back to her room, she forgot Ragatha was inside smirking. "I'm telling Bella to make a story about this" "About what?" "Enemies. To. Lovers!!!" She ran out of the room leaving me shocked. I don't like, like him! Do I??? No... Probably not...

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