Chapter 3 (Past)

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Since then, me and Jax have been good friends. And overtime, we become best friends, I was always the one who cared for him when he got in fights, trouble, etc...

Chapter 3

~Who Would Care for a Bully?~

Minding my own bussiness in my room, until Bella barged into my room. "HOLY (****)! BELLA!!! Don't do that!!!" "Sorry... It's... Jax... He's..."
Bella was trying to take her breath. She was panting. "Jax, went into another fight. With... Zooble..."

"Oh no..." I followed Bella to the fight. None of them looked like they were giving up. Zooble was pissed while Jax looked amused.

"Okay, Kinger, Ragatha. Stop Zooble, me and Bella will stop Jax" They all nodded. Even if we held them down, they still won't stop fighting to hurt each other.

"I didn't even start the fight! It was that stupid periwinkle rabbit!!!"

"At least I don't look like a pile of blocks with sticks for arms and twigs for legs!!!"

"You take that back!!!"

"Make me!!! (*****)!!!"


"No one asked for your opinion, Puppet Doll Face!!!"


"Okay, stop fighting, you all really need to stop, I'm being serious, remember last time?" Everyone winced at the last incident. We barely won the adventure.

"Yeah, that's a memory I ain't forgetting. But it was funny in my taste~"

"Fine... We'll stop... Only because you had a very good reason, and I don't want that ever happening again..."
Zooble walked away. I turned to Jax"I don't know how you get into so many fights" "Eh, when you anger someone almost everyday, that's what's gonna happen to ya~!"

Luckily, Bella lend me some healing equipment to heal Jax's wounds.

"You know, you really need to stop getting in these fights. Your getting hurt badly and you need energy" "You can't blame me. Getting into fights are fun as hell, so what if their dangerous?" "Still... Proving my point"




"You really need to stop getting into fights" "Sorry N/n, that's a No~"

When I was done taking care of Jax's wound. Ragatha wanted to ask me something. "What's up, Rag?" "There's been a question in my mind for a while... Remember when I told you to stay away from Jax? Well, I was wondering how you got him to like you. I mean, Who Would Care for a Bully?" "I would... Jax isn't so bad once you get to know him. He's not like that sometimes..."

"Uh uh, whatever you say, N/n... Ima go, bye!" "Bye!" What Ragatha said, reminded me of the book

'The Tale of two Hearts. Ms. Perfect and Misunderstood'

But, that was a love story. So, I'm starting to doubt it... I wonder what will happen tomorrow?


437 reads. THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!! I'M ALSO SO CLOSE TO REACHING 60 FOLLOWERS!!! THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! Also, I don't know what to do for the next chapter. Can you guys decide for me? Thanks! Byeee!!!

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