Chapter 31

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A/n:So... We have a bit of an issue here... Some people are requesting Abstraction and some are rquestint illusion. And... I had this crazy idea! How about, you get abstraction and Jax gets illusion? I have also entered another fandom! Foster's home for imaginary friends! I want to make a
Wilt x Reader fanfic, and I hope you guys would read it...?
Before the game began. Caine had someone he'd like to introduce to us...

Chapter 31

~Partners In Crime~

Part 1

"Everyone. I want you all to meet... The one and only..."

"Avana! The Puppeteer!"

Y/n's eyes widen in fear and she backs up. Bella and Jax were pissed when she saw Avana. Kinger, Ragatha and Gangle were scared. And Zooble. They did the f you finger.

"Caine... What is she doing here?"
"Oh! Well, Avana came to my office and told me she wanted peace!"
Avana laughs, trying to look normal. She walks up to Y/n.

"Of course, of course! I apologize for possessing you, Y/n! This is all fun and games after all!" Avana gave Y/n a menacing smile, and Y/n knew Avana can't be trusted... At. All...

"In fact, it was Avana's idea for the Hide and Seek game! She will be in control of the first game! Don't be afraid and shake hands and call it peace!" Caine smiled.

Y/n and Avana put on fake smiles and shook hands. "Come here for a hug, friend!" Avana hugs Y/n and whispers into her ear. "You do realize I'm not actually here for peace. Right?"
"Oh, I'm aware. And I'm gonna make sure you will be banished from here, and you will stop possessing me..."

Y/n and Avana pulled away and glare at each other. Caine left the place and let Avana in charge. She laughs like a maniac and all of a sudden. The lights from here start flickering. Strings were slowly being attached to Avana's arms. She laughs more and teleports somewhere else... "Starting game... Goodluck..."

A pain then came in Jax and Y/n's heads. Suddenly... The two had the urge to... Kill... Both of them start laughing. Caine doesn't have control over minds... But Avana is a user. She has control over their minds but chooses to play the hard game and go easy on them... To make things more... Fun...

The two turned their heads. They had menacing smiles and buttons for eyes. The killer duo took out their weapons and started counting to 20. To give them a 10 seconds head start...
"One... Two... Three..."

Everyone flee from the scene. Pomni looked around for a hiding spot. "Pomni!!! Here!!!" Ragatha called to her. Pomni quickly went with Ragatha and they both ran for their lives. They weren't quitting that easily!

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