Chapter 19

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Hello guys! And thank you so much for the break! I feel so much better now! Also, we're celebrating someone's birthday here in the Philippines, so I'm going to a pool or beach. I don't really know... It's l 7:26 in the morning right now. Just wait a few more minutes and my bell will ring LMAO. I have to wake up at 6:15 and be at school at 7:30. AM. And school ends around... 5:10 PM. Also, who here has an oc named Reina? That's where I got the nickname Rei! And here's the chapter by the way!


For the first time, I've convinced Bella and Ragatha to steal a diary. Who knew this could happen?

Chapter 19

~Dear Diary~

Me and the two 'mothers' of the group went to Y/n's room. Well... Bella had second thoughts and said she'd guard the door. By the way, it was locked. Heheh... Not a problem. I took her room key and unlocked the door. Easy


As the three enter the room, they saw all kinds of things. Books, pictures, drawings, med kit, etc. They also saw the puppet on her mirror stand. (Idk what it's called) but what was seen most is Y/n's body on her bed sleeping peacefully. Jax couldn't stop staring. Someone nudged him and he stopped staring. (And Kinger to. 'Ragatha')

As they look around the place. They finally found the diary. Ragatha seemed anxious. "I-I don't know... Maybe we shouldn't read her diary after all..." "Why?" "It seems wrong..."
"That's cuz it is, genius"

Ragatha rolled her eyes and looked at Y/n, unsure if this was a good decision... Jax opened the diary and then it was grabbed by Ragatha.
"I'll find the page of what we're looking for. I don't trust you like Y/n"
"*sigh* Fine..." Ragatha skilled through the pages and found it.

~Dear Diary~

When I first arrived, I thought we could find a way outta here
But I soon realized it was impossible to get out

Since then, I've been joining the adventures and stuff. I even made new friends

The Amazing Digital Circus

Is more like hell than a fun Circus...
I've been distracting myself from my thoughts by helping others

Hiding my feelings and my problems
I am starting to want to get out of here...

I wanna be in the real world, I wanna have a job, a family,
A Life

When I escape. Or... If I will escape. I hope I'll escape with my friends.
And when we go to the real world I know and hope I'll see them again...

I don't want to be here anymore. I want to escape and be in reality. Not in some game!

But it's impossible...
It's time to give up a bit of my hope
It's time to realize you really can't leave...

Ragatha and Jax close the diary and look at Y/n. "Who knew Y/n was experiencing this?" "Definitely not us. We read her diary" "I'm aware, Jax!"
They put the diary back and went to their own rooms.


I went to my room and flopped on my bed. 'Why the (****) did Y/n not tell me? Eh... Nevermind...' I closed my eyes and got Y/n out of my head. By the way... Do you wanna know why I was staring at her while she slept? It's cuz she was hugging the Jax Plush I gave/pranked her (with). It was cute, not gonna lie...


A/n: Thankyou guys so much for the support! Do you guys mind saying Happy Birthday in the comments? It's my mom's birthday!

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