Chapter 16

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Today, Caine didn't give us an adventure... Weird. So, we all went to the digital carnival! We didn't go to the digital lake since... Uh... Yeah... Someone nearly drowned. How does that work?! I don't know!

Chapter 16

~Day in the Digital Carnival~

"We haven't been to this place in a while!" Ragatha yelled, looking around. "It has been a while... I'm going to be at one of those games!"
Bella said, heading to her own direction. Me, Ragatha and Pomni found a game. A shooting game!

I went to the game and picked up the toy-cross bow. "I haven't played one of these in a while!" "You should try it!"
"Really? I don't know if I'm still good at it..." "Well, you should go and find out. I guess?" Pomni suggested.

I nodded and positioned myself. Aiming for the middle of the target. I hit a bullseye! I won a stuff toy for each of my friends. Honestly, Jax was a bit shocked I won him something.

"Why... Would you win me a prize?"
"I won everyone a prize. It's only fair for you to get one! And consider this as a thankyou for giving me that plushie a while ago!" "Huh, thanks..."
I smiled and went to do my own thing.

Me and Jax were walking around, with cotton candy. He had purple and I had f/c. "So, let me get this straight-. When we first met, you assumed I was some random anxious girl like Gangle?" "Yup, then I thought you were kinda like Ragatha or Bella. But, I got to know ya, sooo..."

I scoffed. "Thankyou for the compliment" I said with a sarcastic voice. "Your welcome!... Short kid"
I glared at him. "I'm older than you"
"And I'm taller than you, make your point!" "I'm 23! And I'm 5'7!" Jax chuckled. "And I'm 22 years old, and I'm 6'2!" "Really?" "Yeah!"

"Your that tall?" "Have you seen anyone taller than me?" "Ye-" "Have you seen anyone taller than me that ain't abstracted?" "No..." "See~!" There was silence for about... 5 seconds.
"Jack(***)" "Son of a (*****)~"

"Would you two quit talking for a bit? Please? I am trying to concentrate"
"Sorry, Bella" "Not sorry, Bella" Me and Jax shared a glance. I glared, he smirked.

After the day, we all head back to the tent. I wrote my day and insecurities/emotions on my Journal/Diary, fixed my puppet and slept. Hugging one of my plushies. We also took some photos!

(Your hugging the plush Jax gave you in that one chapter of mine when he pranked you! I think it was Chapter 11,12, or 13 idk-)


When I went to my room, I looked at the photo of me and Y/n. We took that picture after our little chat. She looked kinda cu- HAPPY! Shut up...

I looked at the plush she gave me. I found the plush, kinda adorable. I placed the photo on my desk side (Next to a bunch of other photos of me and- you know who it is!!!)

And slept...

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