Chapter 28

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Today I have something special for y'all!


Chapter 28

~Crash Into Me~
~Highschool Lovers/Besties~

Somewhere on earth, lives a human girl. Her alarm clock starts ringing. She turns it off and gets up.

"Y/n! Are you ready for school?" Her mom asks. "In a sec!" She gets ready for school and picks her outfit for the day.

At school, Y/n was a straight A student, but a very wild one. People say she's a beauty, with a wild personality.

"Hey, N/n!" Y/n turned to her friend, Ruby. (Ragatha) "Hey, Ruby" "Did you do the math homework?" "You didn't do it?" "There was a fucking science assignment I had to do, and as the club's president, I had to do it!"
"Fine, here"

Y/n and Ruby chatted for a bit, and they spotted Mr. Kris (Kinger) they're history teacher. "Hey, sir!" He waved at them and they head to class. They spotted the dynamic duo. Zahara and Grace. (Zooble and Gangle)

And last but not the least... They spotted Y/n's frenemy. Jack. (Jax)
Y/n rolled her eyes. Jack noticed her and waved. He stopped bullying Poppy (Pomni) and went up to you.
"Hey, Y/n~!" "What do you want?"

"Can't a guy say hi to his 'friend'~?"
"Shut. Up" Jack smirked and the three, Ruby, Jack and Y/n turned to see three girls waving at Jack with giggles.
Jack waved, annoyed.

A girl came up to him and asked.
"So, Jack. I'm having a party next Friday, you are invited!" "Thanks, Alice. But I have some things to take care of" "Come on... Please?" "No"

Y/n laughed. Jack grinned and Alice got mad. "Is something funny, nerd?!"
"Nah, I'm just enjoying the rejection"
"You are sooo, mean! I'm sensing bad energy from you!" "Well, maybe it's cuz I'm in the presence of a massive, BITCH!"

Alice gasped and stormed away. "Dumb blonde" Y/n turned to walk away with Ruby, but Jack grabbed her wrist. "Hey, Y/n. There's something I gotta show ya. Me and the gang found it, and I'd like to show it to ya!"
"Sorry, Jack. But Y/n is actually gonna go to the science club and help"

Jack and Ruby glare at each other. Y/n
laughed nervously and turned to walk away. "Yeah... Uh... I'm just gonna go... Uh... Bye!" Y/n ran out of there and went inside an empty classroom.

"This is what I get for drawing attention..." Y/n sighed and stayed there for a while. Suddenly, someone came inside, panting like they were chased.

This startled Y/n. "HOLY SHIT!!" The two made eye contact and the person who went inside smirked. "What are you in for?" "Get out, Jack!" "There are fangirls outside, I ain't leaving"
"Fine... Asshole..."

A/n: Hello everybody!!! So, I was thinking of making a book about this! You know, TADC but in the human world!!! Of course, it'll still be a Jax x Reader fanfic. What do you guys think? Should I make the story?

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