Chapter 4 (Past)

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I've always imagined myself in a tv series or movie... But... Not like this...

Chapter 4

~Till Death Do Us Part~

Being stuck here is hell. The adventures and my friends make it less... What's the word? Ah, yes! Terrifying. Especially when I realized that if you reach something called a breaking point... Something really terrible could really happen...

I really don't know what I'm doing here... All I did was put on a freaking headset... But, I guess life is filled of surprises...

I learned a lot here and about everyone here. Sometimes I just pretend I'm in the real world. Don't blame me, I love my friends, but I'm going a bit insane here...

Luckily, someone new came here, a guy who wanted to be called Vixen. Me and him were pretty close, he's like a big brother, but less annoying and not overprotective. But... I feel like he wants to be more than a friend... Which is creepy-

(Don't worry, he's not gonna stay, he's gonna die at the end)

When Jax found out, he... Well...

"Hey, N/n. Who's this fella?" "Oh, this is Vixen. He's new here" "Nice to meet ya, Jax!" "Uh uh... Hi... So, how close are you with N/- Y/n" "Pretty close, actually" Jax rolls his eyes. What is up with him today???

"Cool... I guess... Seeya N/n. And... You" He walks away with an annoyed expression. Apparently Bella was nearby and saw and heard the whole thing (She's the second shipper. First one is Ragatha)

Bella POV:

'Weird... This is unlikely of Jax to do that... Maybe he's planning on a prank?' I followed him and tapped on his shoulder. "What? Can't you see I'm not in the mood?" "Sorry, but I wanted to ask... Are you jealous?" Jax blushed a bit. "WHA- N-NO! I-I... Am not-!" "Really?" "I don't give a (****)!"

I noticed Jax would hang out with Y/n when Vixen isn't around... He's jealous. I didn't even realize Jax would do something horrible... The next day, I saw Jax... With a knife in his hand covered in blood... Right next to him was a bag. I hid. He dispose the bag and cleaned the hand prints on the knife. I already knew it was Vixen... He... Wasn't here the next day...

Jax was back to his... Usual self. But more close with Y/n. Why would he kill Vixen??? Did he do that just because he was jealous??? Y/n didn't even notice any of this... Why... What's going on???

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