Chapter 14 (Past) (TAU)

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A/n: Did you guys find the comment yet? Can y'all tag me in that comment when you find it? Please?
Also, this chapter is about Queenie. Since we don't know what happened to her, I'm gonna make this as an TAU (Theory AU)

Time flies by when your having fun! But... You don't know the time here, heck! Instead of fun, your fighting everyday from these adventures...

Chapter 14

~King Looses His Queen~

Part 1

The digital circus is very mysterious indeed. It's filled with wonder and fear... There was this couple here.
Kinger and Queenie. One was an introvert and one was an extrovert. Honestly, there was a saying I heard from Bella.

~Fell Inlove Once~
~Fell Inlove Again~

It kinda reminded me of them. They could've been a couple when they were not in the digital world, and they probably fell inlove again. Fun fact, since they are chess pieces, the Queen is supposed to protect the king, since the king is the most important chess peace.

That explains what happened...

We all were minding our own business, I was talking to Jax, Ragatha was reading books with Bella, I didn't know where Gangle or Zooble was...

Kinger then walked up to me and Jax.
"Have you both seen, Queenie today? I didn't see her in my fortress, I didn't check her room yet though..."

"Well, if ya didn't check her room, then she's probably there, dumb(***)"
"Really, Jax? Now ain't the time for games" "Thankyou for the reminder, I will check" Kinger left and me and Jax shared a glance.

~Time Skip~

Kinger came back, looking shocked and sad. "Oh, Kinger, what happened?" Bella asked. "Q-Queenie... S-She's..."
"Oh no..." "Queenie's abstracted?!"
"Yes, Gangle. It's perfectly clear, get that inside your brain. Oh wait! You don't have one" "Jax!!!"

"What? It's true! She's a literal red ribbon with a mask. How's a brain supposed to fit in there?" "You got a point..." "See!?"

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