Chapter 22

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A/n: I was in Tiktok and came across these things and I wanted to add them to my story, but with Y/n insert! A. K. A. These aren't my ideas

So... Umm... Caine used his hundreds of all seeing eyes to make a compilation of our time here in The Digital World...

Chapter 22

~The Amazing Digital~

Theme Song:

To The Amazing Digital Circus!
My name is Caine!

I'm your ring master!
And I'm here to show
You a spectacular
Compilation with the DC crew!

Mostly about everyone's favorite ship and hope to be canon
(Ship name)
Isn't that right Bubble?

Yes indeedy Caine!
Can't wait to see the
Digital Compilation!

Let's not waste anymore time!
Let's get right into the show!

Kinger to
Jax to


Day after
Day after
Day after
Day after

Day we fly

The Moon and The Sun
And we don't know why!

First Compilation:

"Introducing, the pencil!" Reina smiled. "You can write with it! You can-" She thought for a moment. "What else can you do with a pencil?"
She asks. Jax then yells with a mischievous grin. "Shove it down your throat" "You can shove it down your-" Y/n turned to Jax with a confused and shocked face. "WHAT?!!" Y/n yelled.


"When we escape and go to the real world... Won't you miss me?" "Haha, nice joke, Jax. Wait- what-" Y/n turned to see Jax with a blush on his face. Y/n grinned and Jax just turned away avoiding eye contact with his arms crossed. "I'll miss you more than anything~" Y/n said smiling with her arm on her hip.


"You can dance, Gangle. Everyone can! Even Jax can do it!" Y/n said smiling at Gangle. The only reason Jax agreed to this is because he had a mischievous idea... "Follow my steps, Gangle. It's one, two three... One, two, three and then a gentle-" "Dip! A dip!" Gangle yelled. Y/n didn't say dip... Jax made the wrong move on purpose! Jax chuckled.
"Good enough for ya~?" He smiled. Y/n turned red and pulled on Jax' ears.
"W-What the heck was that?!! Are you crazy?!!" Y/n yelled pulling on his ears more. "Y/- HMPH!!" "It's a gentle twirl! Not dip! Stupid!!!" "Stop!!! I'm gonna drop you, Moron!!!" "Who taught you to dance like this?!!"


"People never change. Science tells us that our genetic imprint predetermines-" Ragatha said and
Y/n continued. "Your faith, your character, your choices" She said putting her fingers up with each word.
"Pina anak kang bobo"- Rag
"Lalaki kang bobo"- N/n
"Mamamatay kang bobo"- Both

Translater: I'm Filipino:

"You were born stupid"- Rag
"You will grow stupid"- N/n
" You will die stupid"- Both


Y/n was drawing Jax in her diary. (As usual) and he went inside her room slamming it shut. He looked annoyed and stressed. "You okay, Jax? What happened?" "I... Might as well show you..." Jax opened Y/n's door and she saw the simps of Jax outside singing.
Y/n had a shocked and questioning face, while Jax had an annoyed and neutral expression. The simps sang"Sugar pie, Honney Bunch!"
Jax slammed the door and Y/n turned to him. "What the heck are they doing here?!!" Jax shrugged with his hand on his hip. Y/n opened the door again and they kept singing with flowers and stuff for Jax. "You know that I love-!"
Y/n slammed the door and turned to Jax pointing at him and said. "You?!"
"Yes" "Antidote?!!" Y/n said, worried. "Working on it..." Jax said with a worried smile.


Kinger kept asking Jax what was wrong and after a few mins Jax dragged Kinger into an empty hallway.
He sighed and said. "If I told you, would you shut?!" "Yes" Jax looked around and sighed again. "I... Have a crush on... Her..." Jax showed a picture of his crush at Kinger. "And? I don't see the problem" "Well... She's special. She's smart, fun, adorable, and... More... And if I told her... Well..."
"Oh, Jax. You should just tell her, I'm sure she feels the same way"
"But she'll probably never talk to
me again!!!" "Well, if she doesn't, maybe she's just not the one for you"
"That's what I'm afraid of...!" "Oh... Well, if there is something else you need help with. You can always come to me!"

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