Chapter 26

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I forgot I had children to feed... Oopsies... Anyway! Enjoy this chapter!

My oc Reina:"What are you doing?"

Me:"Feeding my children"

Also... Jax has a soft spot/side for his best friend! (You) keep that in mind!


I... I have been having these nightmares recently... I want them to go away!!! This nightmare keeps repeating... And... Repeating...

Chapter 26

~Dead Dreams~

I would dream of everyone finding an exit and leave. Then... I would be left behind because of my glitch... No one would think twice of saying goodbye to me or staying... I was alone. With my glitch... Avana... She's the reason of my misery!!! I wish I was never a puppet... I wish I was never here... I wish I never came to the Digital World!!!!

I would lay down in the floor. Watching everyone leave the digital world... No one turning back. Everyone was free! Except... Me...

"Please... Don't leave me..."

"I don't want to be alone..."

"Don't leave me behind..."


I woke up. Panting. I hugged my knees and cried. Less than a minute later, I heard someone talking in the other side of the wall. "You okay?"

I didn't respond. "I asked you a question. Are you okay?"

Again. I didn't respond. I was holding back tears and ignored the question...
I heard a sigh, then movements in the other side of the wall, then outside.

The person left their room. I began letting out tears, and tried not making anymore noise. I was probably disturbing people...

I began getting lost in my mind...
I cried and pulled my knees closer to my chest...

Just then, my door opened, I looked up, tears still, running down my face.

"*sigh* Your lucky I have a key to your room"


"You weren't responding to me"
Jax then sat on my bed and asked again. "Answer my question.
Are you okay?"

I looked down. "Just go..." "I ain't leaving until I know your alright"
He sounded worried and annoyed that I was still not answering his question.

"What got you so gloomy...?" "I-I... Don't want to talk about it..." Jax sighed and leaned his head against the wall. He gave me a side-eye and said.

"You've been having nightmares. Haven't you?" I was surprised Jax knew. "Got ya...~" He smiled. He tricked me! He was guessing, he didn't know anything!

I turn away and nodded. He frowned and sighed. "What kind of nightmares?" I didn't respond. I looked up and saw Jax was still looking at me.

"Hey... Jax...?" "Yeah? What's up?"
"When we find a way out of here and go to the real world... Will you... Miss me...?" Jax chuckled. "When we escape and go to the real world, I'll only be missing one thing"

I nodded. Not Excpecting anything else... "And that's you...~"

I turned to see Jax with a flirty smile on his face. I turned away avoiding eye contact. "I'll miss you too..."

"You feeling better?" "Sorta..." "Hey. I have a question" "And that is?"
"What was it like? You know, glitching and stuff?" "It felt.. Painful... Like I was dying and dying all over again... The pain not leaving my body..."

Jax snapped me back to reality as he pulled me close to him. He was holding me close to his chest. I blushed a bit and I saw him blushing as well... I eased up and me and Jax slept... He leaned on my head, and I leaned on his chest/shoulder...

The Prankster And A Puppet (Jax x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now