Chapter 18

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Okay... So... I came across a comment saying I've been uploading nonestop. They asked if I was okay... And then it hit me. I've been updating my story so often... Almost everyday since I made this story... Do you guys... Mind if I take a small break once in a while...? Please...? In return, here's a chapter... I need rest...

Chapter 18

~Small Break~


veryone stood in Pomni's room. She was sick. Y/n took of the thermometer off her mouth and saw she had a small fever. "Oof... That ain't good... Don't worry! I can do this!" Bella's eyes widen. She got nervous. "Uh... Y/n dear..." Y/n wasn't there anymore. But then, she came back with a bunch of supplies. "Yeah? What is it Bella?"

Y/n was listening, but she was grabbing medical materials to help Pomni. "Well... I think you should... Take a little break?" Y/n stopped and looked at Bella. "Why?"

"Because... Well... You've been helping, fixing and healing our problems almost often" "What do you mean?"
"Dear... Are you alright? You've been like everyone's comfort person. And we are thankful for your service, but your doing it to often..." Y/n just smiled. "Well, your problems are way important and bigger than mine!'

Ragatha got in the conversation. "You have problems? And all this time, you've been healing ours?! Why not handle your own problems?!" "Well, I have a quote for that! It helps me help your insecurities! Besides, you guys aren't asking that much from me!"

"Y/n, dear. I remember just yesterday, Ragatha asked if you could help her stitch her dress!" "Oh, shoot! I forgot about that one! Sorry, Raggie. I'll get to it. (****) I forgot to do something! Wait here!" Y/n got a mask from her room and gave it to Gangle.

Bella and Ragatha tried to tell Y/n to rest and deal with her own problems, but she didn't listen. "Your problems are more important than mine! I have a quote that helps me!" "And that is?"

"Repress the feeling. And ignore that it's there! After all, why do I deserve the attention and support of other people when their problems are more worse than mine! Besides, I'm 24℅ percent doing this to keep me sane! So it helps!"

Everyone just stared at me, shocked.
"What? I like helping you guys, even if the problem is small!" "You just, told us your doing this because you have insecurities and problems that hasn't been healed yet!!!" Ragatha yelled.

Y/n just ignored her, and gave Pomni a cookie. (Reminder, Pomni is sick)
"Fine, Y/n dear. You've left me no choice"

Someone then picked Y/n up, bridal style. "Jax. Let go of me" "Nah. You need to stop. I'm agreeing with
Ms. Ballerina from fnaf on this one, Dollface" "I do not look like Ballora!!"

(Fun fact: Bella is a reference to Ballora from fnaf. A mother figure who is ** years old)

"I'm fine!!! Let go!" Y/n got out of Jax' grasps. "Look, Y/n. Just take a small break. Please" Y/n sighed. "Fine..."
Y/n left the room, leaving everyone in Pomni's room with her still sick.

"You know, Bella. Your like the mother of the DC crew" "Thankyou, Jax! You know, Ragatha and Y/n are like daughters I have always wanted!"
"Huh... Hey, Bella? How old are you?"
Gangle asked. "I am 37" Jax grinned.
"She definitely lookin' and actin' like she's stuck in her twenties!" Jax said with a sing-song voice giving Bella the (☞ )☞. Bella did the same and said. "You know it"

"Okay... I have a plan" Ragatha said. "What is it, Ragatha dear?" "Well... I am curious about Y/n's problems and insecurities. How about we read her diary?" "I don't think that's a good ide-" Bella was interrupted by Jax. "Count me in, and Ms. Ballora"

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