Chapter 34

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Pomni ran for her life and spotted... Zooble! She ran to them and yelled they're name. "Shhhh, shut! For f*** sake!" "Sorry, sorry!" "You better be! Look, I'm sorry. It's just that I know where the seekers are! Their around here somewhere"

Chapter 34

~The Dynamic Duo~
~The Bunny Behind The Slaughter~

"D-Don't worry, Zooble! I forgive you!"
"Thanks, Pomni. I guess you aren't that bad..." Zooble and Pomni walk around the place, trying to find a hiding spot.
Suddenly, they heard a noise... Kinger!
"Oh, hey you guy-" "Shut!!!" "Sorry, Zooble..."

The three go to a secure hiding spot. "A-Are you sure, they won't find us here...?" Pomni looks around, hoping it was secure enough. "Yeah, the rabbit would just run past us, without checking the place out clear enough. And the doll, will most likely-. I... Don't know?"

They hide for a while and then... A seeker came in. They hid and tried not to make any noise. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" "We don't bite!"
Holy s***! Their both here!

And then... Kinger sneezed. How?!!
Jax and Y/n heard it and Jax chased after him. But Y/n knew Kinger wouldn't have came here alone. She goes to Pomni's hiding spot and...

Zooble attacks Y/n with... Stuffed animals? Zooble grabbed Pomni and ran for their lives. They heard... Kinger? Kinger was screaming and when he saw Zooble and Pomni he waves at them.

"Your not dead?!!" "Well, Zooble. I actually didn't know I'd make it this far!" The three ran and ran before finding a secure place. The footsteps of Y/n go away and they sighed in relief.

"Wow... You guys are awfully fast... To bad I'm not the real Kinger..." Pomni and Zooble turn to 'Kinger'. "What do you mean...?" Kinger laughs and then turns into Jax. "Illusions! Tricked ya!"

"Where's the real Kinger, (****)head!"
Kinger slid his finger across his throat. "YOU ELIMINATED HIM?!!!" "Yup! And I just got that line right when I was about to kill him! He told me he didn't know he'd make it this far!"

Suddenly, Y/n came in and saw Jax about to kill Pomni and Zooble. She grinned and went right next to Jax.
"Nice work, Jack(***)" "Thankyou, Dollface"

The two grinned and was about to kill the two of them, when Pomni made a run for it leaving Zooble behind. "Wha- Hey! Pomni you backstabbing son of a-!"

Y/n eliminated Zooble and sighed. "She swears to much" "Good job, Princess. Now there are only two people left!"
"I know- wait... Did you just call me
'Princess'???" "Yes, what? Do you want me to call you 'Mine' instead~?" Y/n blushed and yelled" "Yeah, nope! Princess is fine! Just don't call me that!" "Alrighty then, Princess! Let's get back to the game!" "With pleasure!" The two chased Pomni with maniac laughter.

(I want fanart now... Why do I want fanart of my story??? If y'all made fanart of my story, send me a link)

Run, Run, Run
Little Jester
Your time is running out...

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