Chapter 7

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A few (Years or months of choice) later, I got use to almost everything. The games we're pretty fun and... Challenging... Me, Ragatha and Bella have been close. So has me and Jax. One day, Caine called everyone to do the theme song. But... We experienced something terrible instead... Well... Something good came out of it at least...

Chapter 7

~Worst First Day for Pomni~



"Welcome... To The Amazing Digital Circus! My name is Caine! I'm your Ringmaster! And I'm here to show you the most, JAW DROPPING, HEART STOPPING, MIND BENDING, Paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon!!! Isn't that right, Bubble?"

A bubble came out of Caine's Hat.
"That's right, Caine! I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for today!"
"Well, let's not waste any time! Let's get right into the show!!!"

Kinger to

Day after
Day after
Day after
Day after

Day we fly

The Moon and The Sun
And we don't know why!

*POMNI appears*


veryone was so focused on the theme song that they didn't realize someone had entered this realm!

That was until Pomni accidentally bumped into Jax making Kinger and Gangle fall as well...

Everyone stood up and looked at Pomni with curiosity. "Caine, is this one of your NPC's or is this a new sucker? Cuz if it's a new character! We're gonna have to redo this whole theme song!!!" Jax put an annoyed smile on his face

"I'm not doing that again..." Zooble said crossing their arms. "My, my! It appears a new human has entered this realm!" "HOW DO I-... TAKE THIS... HEADSET OFF...?!"

I was about to reply until Jax said. "Just keep grabbin' at it. That worked for all of us~!" I nudged Jax's shoulder. "Not a good time, Jax. She's clearly experiencing the five stages of TADC!"

"W-What...?" "You'll learn eventually new stuff" Pomni tried grabbing at her face to try and take the headset off. But that didn't work... "W-What's... Going on...? I-I put on some... Weird Headset and... Now I'm... Here...?"

"W-Who are you people?! Why can't I take it off?!! WHERE AM I?!!"
"Let's just try to calm down..."
"Yeah, everything's gonna be okay, New-stuff. We've all been through this. You just need to get your head-"
I tried to calm her down but she cussed instead turning into a bleep.

"WHAT THE (****) IS GOING ON!!! Wha-...?" "NOW, NOW, NOW, MY DEAR!!! We can't have any of that
foul language around here! The Amazing Digital Circus is a place to be enjoyed by ALL ages! You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders! Where anything can happen! E-Except for swearing!"

She tried swearing a couple of times until she realizes it was no use.
"Oh my god... U-Uh-... W-Well... How do I...? You know... Leave...?" "Uh... Well... Funny you should ask... Don't freak out but... Uh... We... Don't exactly know ho-" I was interrupted by a Periwinkle rabbit... "You can't!" "Jax!!!" I yelled. "What-"

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