Chapter 37

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Today, Caine did another digital compilation. But... It's just Jax x Reader. I also got some of these Ideas from tiktok and Facebook. So it's not completely mine. They all just have my twists and ideas in them, combined-

~Digital Ship Compilation ~

Part One


Y/n was minding her own business until Pomni enters the room.
"Hey Y/n?" "Hmm? Yes Pomni?" "Why does Jax call you "Darling" and "Love" in a seductive way?" Y/n froze and blush. "Hahah, how about we stop talking for a little while!"

Meanwhile, Jax was driving around with Kinger and Kinger then asks. "Hey Jax?" "Hmm? What's up bud?"
"Why does Y/n call you "Dear" and "Hun" in a teasing way?" Jax and froze and blush. "Hahah, how about we stop taking for a little while!"


(Spoiler for up coming chapter AU)

Jax and everyone including Y/n were half abstracted. They all had full control over their bodies and everyone had new abilities... Jax had huge abstracted claws, Y/n had full control of her puppet powers and now she's more powerful abstracted, Ragatha had abstracted hair tentacles, Kinger had abstracted chess pieces, Pomni just had a knife, Zooble had dangerous abstracted blocks, Gangle had her ribbon and both Masks abstracted into a single entity, and Bella's singing voice can now be more deadly! Yay!

Jax looked at Reina who was sharpening her dagger. (You don't have buttons for eyes, btw. You can turn to your puppet self anytime in this AU) he smiled and went up to her. "Hey there, dollface~!" "Hmm? What do you want?" "I know your probably mad at me for turning you into a half abstracted character, but you had to give up eventually~!" "I was doing just fine as a normal character!" "On the bright side, you're free from Avana! So, how about this? Let's start over again. K? Hey, names Jax! Nice to meet ya!"
Y/n thought for a moment and smiled. "I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you Jax!"


Jax wanted to annoy someone today so he chose his (future girlfriend) best friend, Y/n! He went up to her as she was reading a book and hugged her from behind. Y/n didn't mind at first but his grip got tighter... "Uh... Jax? That's to tight-" "Heheh..." He is gonna squeeze her harder, lol-


Everyone was now tangled together for the whole day. Y/n and Jax were blushing the whole time, and RAGATHA AND BELLA WOULDN'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT-


Y/n and Jax get out of Y/N's room and she sighed in relief. "Thanks for killing that thing Jax" "No problem, Dollface! But... Don't you think I deserve somethin' for killin' that spider in your room...~?" "I... Guess? What is it that you want?" Jax's smile widens and Y/n then blushes. "W-Wha- N-No! A-Anything but that!!!" Jax' grin widens more and you wanna know what he did next? We need to go to another POV to do so! Everyone was wondering where Y/n and Jax were, so they checked each of their rooms. And guess what they found in Y/n's room! Y/n was pinned to the ground by Jax and both of them were blushing. Y/n quickly yells. "Guys!!! It's not what it looks like!" Jax smiled at everyone and said. "It's definitely what it looks like!"

(Guess who planned all this out, knew what to do and put the spider in the room? Jax did it!)


Hey, Doll?" Y/n turned to Jax. "Hm? What?" "I have somethin' fo ya!" Y/n got nervous, hoping it wasn't a spider! Jax had a large grin on his face and Y/n had a nervous look. But Jax didn't give a spider. He gave her purple flowers. "W-What?" "What did you think? I haven't catched any spiders yet, hope ya like it!" Y/n blushed and yelled. "J-Jax!!! Y-Your not funny! I-I thought you were gonna give me a spider" Jax chuckled with a blush. "Awww, aren't you cute when your all mad and red~? Also, I don't excpect you to be funny. Your a girl, women just don't have good humour! Buuut, I love ya anyway~!" "W-What?"

Written by: Alianah Frencheska B. (Bunagan) OrendainYoungblood
(Remember that I do not use my full name all the time and I don't use my full name in any of my social medias)


Jax made a good mistake. He went into Y/n's room and ripped her dress a bit. Y/n was wearing a different fit that day for the adventure. When Y/n found out, she made Jax sit with her until she stitched her dress up. "Your not leaving till I finish stitching this rip you made, mister" Y/n said with a smile on her face. Jax chuckled and said. "Who said I wanted to leave?"

(He did that to spend time with you. You were busy helping everyone else and he got jealous. Sooo, he did a bit of a crime to get your attention)


(Spoiler for up coming chapter)

Caine had an amazing idea! Since everyone wanted to see what life would be like outside since everyone were stuck here and he wanted to cheer them up. So, for today's adventure, he made everyone experience what they wanted in their life now. Ragatha wanted to go to a fancy store, so Caine made a small temporary store filled with some stuff she likes, Bella wanted to perform on a stage so Caine gave her a temporary audience, Kinger wanted his wife back, so Caine made a version of Queenie and told Kinger he brought Queenie back from being abstracted which was a lie, Etc, etc, etc. Reina wanted to be with her family again, so Caine made a fake family for her. And Jax? Oh, he wanted a girlfriend. So, Caine did this.
"And what do you want, Jax? A living dummy to prank? A car? You name it!" Jax didn't even think and said. "I would like the dummy, but I want something else" "And that is?" "I want a girlfriend" Caine didn't know how to make a girlfriend that Jax would like. Considering since he doesn't know Jax' type. "Okay, I'll try. What kind of woman do you like?" "Smart, beautiful, stubborn, kind, a bit taller, like 5'7, flustered, loyal, generous, little bit flirty, kinda just the opposite of me a bit. And she has a dress"
Caine smiled. "Okay then! I'll be right back!" And without a moment to waste, Caine brought him a girlfriend he would enjoy. Jax smiled and said. "Thanks Caine~!" Caine then says. "No problem Jax! Enjoy your new girlfriend!" And he went away. Y/n was confused to why she was here. "What?" Jax just picked her up and said. "Your mine now, dollface~!"
"W-What?! What do you mean?!" "I asked for a girlfriend and now your mine~!"


Jax was annoying Y/n as usual. He pinned her to a wall and said. "Awww, what's wrong, doll? You gettin' flustered again~?" Y/n smiled. "Not this time, rabbit~!" Jax looked confused so he raised a brow. Y/n pulled both sides of Jax's jumper and kissed him. When she pulled away, Jax looked red and shocked. Y/n chuckles and says. "Oh? So is this your mute button?" Jax scoffs. "Psh! Yeah sure! Whatever you say, doll!" On the inside, Jax was as flustered as hell!


Jax and Pomni received their plushed versions if themselves. Pomni looked fascinated by her plushie version. Meanwhile, Jax and Y/n were talking. Y/n was holding the Jax Plush on her lap and Jax was right next to her. He said. "My face didn't look that dumb"
"Nah, your face is always like this"

(I hope you all enjoyed! I'm sorry I didn't post sooner, I'm in America now! America, California USA. I'm gonna make a part two about this soon! Also, I'm sorry my children, I forgot to feed y'all again-)

1360 words, that's crazy y'all!

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