Chapter 27

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Okay... Uh... You guys are going very... Feisty with the ANGST. Ima take a break of those for now! Also, I saw a meme on Twitter and I kinda wanted to add it here cuz I thought it was kinda funny!

I needed some fresh air... I went outside of the tent and headed to the digital lake to relax.

Chapter 27

~Staring At The Moonlight~

~With my Doll/Rabbit~

As Y/n stared at the starry sky, she gets so lost in the beauty of the night, she didn't realize someone sat next to her.
"Hey, Doll face"

"Hey, Jax..." "You okay? You had those motherf(******) nightmares again?"
"Not anymore... At least... Not all the time..." "Well, good to know your mind is still sane!"

"Yeah... I guess..." "Hey, Y/n..." "Yeah?"
"Have you ever wondered... If we ever met in our past life? You know, in the real world?" "Well... Yeah, sometimes"
"I wonder what we look like"

"You probably have hundreds of fangirls. Remember when the simps chased you down to my room and you were still working on the antidote?"
Y/n asked, smiling. Jax chuckled.

"Yeah, that was a crazy day. How'd they get in here and leave?" "I know, right?!" The two laughed. Jax had a memory in his mind.

"Hey! Remember when you grabbed my ear cuz I made ya flustered~?"
"I didn't say dip!!! I was gonna say twirl!" Y/n smiled and nudges his shoulder. "Hey, don't blame me! I thought you were about to say dip!"







(Chapter 2 to chapter 27 reference)

Jax chuckled and sighed, crossing his arms. "I can never win against you, huh~?" "Ima say it again. I don't back down easily~" The two laughed at their little "History repeats Itself" thing.

Suddenly, Y/n heard strange noises.
"Did you hear that?" She asks, looking around. Jax looked up and giggled. He nudged her shoulder and pointed to the sky with a mischievous grin.
"Look up, Doll~"

The two look up and Y/n's face turned to a disgusted and shocked face. The Moon and Caine were getting frisky!!!

"What the (****)...?" Jax looked at Y/n and chuckled. He stood up, still smiling. "Come on, let's let them have their alone time" He helps Y/n up as they go back inside the tent.

The Next Day

(Here's the Twitter thing!!!)

"Hey, Caine" "Yes Jax?" "Me and Rei saw you and the moon getting frisky last night" His eyes widen as Y/n and Jax's grin becomes more evil and mischievous.

"No! You didn't! You saw nothing!"
Caine objects. "Pretty sure we did~ It was out by the lake" "Very romantic~"
Jax and Y/n finish each other's sentences. (Sandwiches)

"Jax. Y/n. I will not hesitate to put you in the cella-" Bella then came and joined the conversation. "DON'T YOU DARE PUT Y/N IN THE CELLAR!!! AND DON'T YOU DARE RUIN THE SHIP-!!!"

Caine teleported Bella back to her room. "Well, I think it's perfectly normal for... Whatever you are and the moon to have some alone time!"
Jax smiled.

"Jax" "What's up, buddy?" "Don't make me get the hose" Jax put his arms up in a mocking way. "Okay, okay. I yield!" Jax gave Y/n a teasing smile and she returned the favour, knowing what is about to happen, and knows what she and him will say next.


Jax and Y/n gave each other the look and said at the same time:


"JAX!!! Y/N!!!"

The Prankster And A Puppet (Jax x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now