Chapter 2

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After riding some rides and Pete throwing up because he was half drunk before he came here we decide to go get some drinks. I was the youngest of us all and I had just turned 19. We reached this pop up bar which was on the outskirts of the fair. It was somewhat quiet but still had about 8 other people there.

We reached the bar and sat down at the red stool that sat out from underneath. "What can I get y'all?" the blonde haired southern bar tender asked. "Just a beer thanks." I respond and show him my fake ID then wait for the others to order and show their fakes. I was sitting between Hailey and Reggie "So AJ having fun yet?" Reggies raises her eyebrow at me.

I sigh and roll my eyes "Yes I am. I'm not anti-social you know I just love those books." I slightly shove her and she giggles. "I swear you would marry Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez or Matt Dillon if you had the chance." Hailey adds I turn and face her smiling. "You know it sister." The bartender gives us our beers and we all clink our bottle and shout "cheers".

About 8 beers later and we were all smashed, we could barely walk out of the bar we were stumbling around like maniacs. "Hey let's go dancing!" I suggest and throw my arms up in the air. "Man this chick is the best! Why aren't we together?" Peter asked slinging his arm over my shoulder and frowning at me. I giggle and place my left hand on his face "Because my darling you're a man whore and we wouldn't last a day despite our impeccable looks." He smiles "She's smart to." He laughs and walks towards Kent and Chris who were laughing hysterically.

I should probably mention I sometimes get extremely self-obsessed when I'm drunk.

We eventually find a dance space after walking...well stumbling for what seemed like forever. The song 'hey mama' was playing "Oh my god I love this song!" all us girls chimed and ran to the dance floor.

After another 2 hours of dancing and more drinking I realised I had to get home because I had class in the morning. I was studying to become a journalist but what I really wanted to be was an actress or singer.

"See ya Autumn!" Kent slurs and I wave back I get to my sleek black motor bike and fumble around with the keys attempting to get them into the ignition. I eventually do and then slide on my helmet I rev the engine and start off down the road.

After a minute of driving I hear a screech and see a blinding light before everything goes black.

My eyes fluttered open to see a very white and bright room. I quickly closed them again and then slowly opened them letting them adjust to the light. I tried to sit up but soon found out that it was impossible, my head ached like crazy and so did the rest of my body. I looked around the room and realised I was in a hospital room.

A nurse came in moments later "Oh my gosh you're awake. Finally!" she exclaims and seems to sigh in relief. "How long have I been out?" I ask groggily and try again to slowly sit up. "13 days. We weren't sure if you were going to wake up or not." She had a very thick southern accent. She had brown hair and blue eyes and was classically pretty.

"Can you tell me the date?" "Sure love it's 29th of March 1982." My eyes widen and I started coughing "I'm sorry did you say 1982?" she looked at me strangely. "Yes. Anyway do you remember your family or friends someone who could come and get you?" I shake my head "ugh no why?" I ask still in shock. "Because love according to your files well your lack of. You don't exist you have just been a Jane Doe since we found you. Anyway I have other patients I need to see so I will be back to check on you later." I nod still trying to process the information.

Wait 1982?...29th of March? Oh my god...I looked over to my right to see a small sign that said something about Tulsa, Oklahoma.



Hey guys so this is the beginning of my new book what do y'all think? Did you enjoy it? Any advice and feedback is most wanted. 
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Update coming soon.


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