Chapter 5

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I wake up the next morning and pinch myself to make sure this is real and I'm not dreaming. I get up and raid my closet for something to wear I finally decide on a long white knitted sweater, acid wash jeans and black combat boots. I brush my hair and leave it down in natural waves then apply some mascara and foundation which was my everyday make up.

I decide not to knock on my Emilio's door or say hi because I don't want them to get sick of me or like what if they were just being polite last night? Maybe they really don't like me and like talk about me behind my back dissing me or whatever. 

These are just everyday concerns I have when meeting new people let alone celebrities. And now I made myself feel real uncomfortable and awkward.

I dart towards the elevator and wait to reach the lobby. The doors ding open and the lobby is deserted my footsteps echo throughout the large space as I walk over to the adjoined restaurant which was now serving breakfast.

I grab some toast and bacon and sit down to eat. As I'm eating I try to think of what I can do today...I didn't really know Tulsa that well so I decided to go for a walk around the city.

The sun was out and the sky blue like yesterday, it was a beautiful day. I like walking it relaxes me and clears my head. I also liked to watch cars drive by it fascinated me that people had so many places to be and that I would never know where they are going but I got to see them on their journey.

As the rush of cars take a break I look across the road to the see an old church across the street. "Got it." I whisper to myself. I walk towards a post office not too far away it was old and smelt like cat pee and the lemon paint was peeling from the walls.

I ask the balding man behind the desk where I could find a very old church that's placed on a hill. He draws me a map on how to get there I thank him and walk out. I hail a cab and instruct the driver to go to the place same place on the map.

30 minutes later and the cab arrived out the front of a hill, with a wooden church on top. I hand the cab driver some money and get out.

 I trudge up the steep green grassy hill whenever I watched the movie I loved the church scenes  for the scenery.

It was so tranquil out here all I could hear was here the sounds of nature. It was so beautiful. The grass was so green and luscious I had never seen grass like this before. I reached the church and wonder around it trying to find a way in. 

I find a loose board coming off of a window I pull at it to try it harder and harder trying to get it to budge but I fail and give up once I get a splinter in my hand. "Shit!" I curse and shake it a few times before difficultly taking it out.

I step down off the creaky, old wood that had seen better days but has been neglected for decades I'm guessing. I sat down on the grass and lay down soaking in the hot sun as it beared down.

I hear a car drive up but don't think much of it thinking somebody will just be driving past. But I am proven wrong when I hear a familiar voice call my name. "AJ?" I sit up squinting because the sun was right in front of me I put my hand in front of my face to try and block the sun. "Tommy?" he was standing just in front of me wearing a red and blue flannel button down and jeans. "What are you doing here?" 

"We were just looking at our filming locations. What are you doing here?" Oh shit how did I know about this place? What do I say? How do I play this off?

"Uh...I just...the postman told me about it." Attempting to escape any more questions I walk down to the rest of the boys who smiled as they saw me approach. "Hey guys." 

"Hey AJ what are you doing here?" 

"Oh uh local postman told me about this place." 

"The postman?" Matt asks looking at me suspiciously. 

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