Oh god no

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Anyways hope you all enjoy...please vote and comment on what you thought thanks.


"Are you hungry?" I looked at him like he had just asked the stupidest question ever. "What do you think?" "I think you're always hungry and I just asked the stupidest question ever." He replied smiling and then kissing me. "How about I take you out for dinner?" "Mhmm that sounds nice." I kiss him again and we start walking towards the city.

The air was cool and refreshing and the night sky was full of twinkling stars. I was looking up at them for so long Rob thought I had gone mad; he started poking me trying to get my attention. "What do you want mad man?" I ask getting really close to his face but he just chuckles. "I want you to come into the diner so we can eat...because you're starving remember?" I glare at him playfully and walk into the pizza bar.

"I am pretty sure you like Pizza more than you like me." He jokes and takes a bite of his slice. I shake my head and he pretends to look surprised "You're wrong...because I don't just like pizza. I love it! So you're statement has no point." "You're weird." I nod my head smiling and taking another bite. "Yeah but you love it."

"Can I help you with anything else tonight?" the waitress politely asked taking away our empty plates. "Yeah can I have a big bowl of chocolate ice-cream topped with strawberries?" Rob asked handing her the menu. "Sure can I interest you in anything else?" she replied flirtatiously biting her pen. I stared at her bemused at how she could be so bitchy but Rob didn't care anyway he just shook his head and acted like he didn't care. "No...I just want the dessert for my girlfriend and I." he stated coldly emphasising girlfriend I couldn't help but smile.

"You're amazing. You know that?" He looked towards me from the window. "I am?" "Mhmm." He leant over the table and cupped my face in his hands and kissed me gently sending the familiar fire through my veins. Until we were interrupted by somebody clearing their throat. I looked up to see the waitress with our dessert she carelessly dropped it in front of us and stalked off.

We ate the ice-cream in total bliss just happy to be in each other's presence.

We walked out of the restaurant the same way we walked in...hand in hand.

"You know what's nice about this place?" He sighed "No what?" "No paparazzi. We actually have some privacy."

"I never realised that was such a big thing for you." I muttered turning around to face him blocking him from walking any further. A look of gloom and dejection spread across his face "Don't get me wrong I love acting but...the Paparazzi just make it so hard sometimes." I nod in understanding but in reality I had no idea what it was really like.

"You know ever since I was a kid I wanted to be an actress." "Really?" I nod and lean my head on his shoulder as we walk down the sidewalk which was deserted. There was no one around us and it gave me both a peaceful yet creepy feeling.

"Yeah I used to act in my high school plays but that was really all the experience I ever had...and I knew that because I never got lessons I would never make it as an actor." Rob laughs and it echoes through the streets. "You think I had any lessons? Because I didn't. Neither did Matt he was just in his high school hallway one day and was randomly chosen to audition for a role."

I did actually know that about Matt but that was like a 1 in a 7 billion chance that would ever happen.

"So you still want to be an actress?" he asked in his usual gentle voice. "Yeah...more than anything." "Then talk to Francis maybe he can help you." "No I could never do that." Rob stopped and stepped in front of me to block me and made sure that I could only look into his eyes.

"Why not?" He had gotten real serious almost angry or annoyed. "Because...it's embarrassing and what if he gives me a chance and I completely blow it?" I look down at my feet, a habit I have when I get insecure I avoid all eye contact.

He put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head so my eyes met his. "You won't stuff up! you know how I know?" I shake my head "Because I believe in you."

It meant so much that he said that...that he actually believed in me. I didn't know what to say...thankyou seemed to bleh but I couldn't think of anything else to say so I just kissed him. My lips smacked into his...our lips moved in sync and he moved to deepen it but I pulled away. "Not out here...back in the motel." I winked and he grinned. I grabbed his hand and turned around to stare down the barrel of a gun.

It was only a few inches away from my face and I was frozen in fear. "Give me your money!" he whispered harshly. I couldn't see his appearance because my sight was fixed on the gun.

"Please don't shoot." I whimpered barely audible. Rob's grip tightened on me...he was trembling with fear or anger, I wasn't sure. "Give me your money! Or I'll shoot your whore." He said louder now.

"Fine just don't hurt her!" Rob growled through his teeth and I could tell now he was trembling from anger.

He let go of my hand and handed his money over slowly. The mugger snatched it out of his hand and counted it. "No way you have more. Give it to me now!" "Look man I don't have any more. That's all I had." I still couldn't look away from the gun but he began to lower it. "You don't give me the money and I will shoot her. I know who you are and I know you're loaded."

"Look I told you I don't have any more money! Alright?" Rob's voice had gone from angry to panicked and stressed.

"Fine." The mugger coldly stated lowering his gun and turning away. I was in shock he was just bluffing...he wasn't really going to mug me.

I turned towards Rob and collapsed into his chest "Thankgod." I muttered into his neck his hand was stroking my hair and the other was wrapped around my waist holding me tight to him.

**Rob's POV**

"Are you okay?" I whispered into her hair my voice still trembling with emotion.

"Ye-" I heard an ear piercing bang which echoed through the deserted streets followed by a scream.

She dropped down and I struggled to hold her up I fell to the ground. I cradled her in my arms holding her head up. She wasn't speaking and her breaths were inconsistent my hand skimped her wound in her torso. It was instantly covered in a warm liquid which was obviously her blood. Her white tanktop was now soaking in it and her jeans turning red from it.

"Hang on AJ hunny just hold on for me please." I cried tears falling down my face.

Her hand reached up to cup my face "Rob." She whispered her voice was hoarse and broken. Her eyes closed and her body went limp "oh god no." I muttered not knowing what to do.

I heard footsteps coming towards us from what I could tell there were more than just one person. They were running towards us I looked around to see some strangers and even some Emilio and Tom coming towards us. They were followed by sirens.

"Rob...what the F**K happened?" Tom almost screeched...I wasn't sure how to answer him. I couldn't. Before I knew they were taking her out of my arms and I didn't fight back I wasn't sure if she was alive or dead but I was hoping she was alive so I let them take her...so they could help her.

The rest of the night was a series of questions by police, doctors, the crew, Francis and journalists. I didn't know what to tell them...I was speechless and an absolute mess. It was 5 hours later and she was still in surgery and I had no news on how she was going.

I was by myself now everyone had gone home. I was sitting leaning against a wall taking a drag on a smoke which I wasn't used to because I never smoke but it calmed me down the tiniest bit.

I heard high heels coming towards me I looked over to see a panic stricken Susie rushing down the hallway. I didn't bother to get up I just sat there and waited for her to come to me.

"Rob what happened." I shrugged "He just shot her." I muttered. Susie's face turn to empathetic as she sat down next to me. "Oh sweetheart come here." She pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back. I broke down letting out all emotion, I had pent up over the night, out. Susie didn't even budge just held me like she knew I needed this.

"Mr Lowe?" I heard a low voice boom from behind me I looked over to see the doctor. "Yes?" I asked. "It's about AJ." Here we go...

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