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I was woken by 3 loud thumps against my door. I groaned the yelled out "Who is it?" "Rob." Without thinking I threw back the duvet and shuffled towards the door; I opened it revealing Rob. "Oh hey." I mumbled he looked really good wearing a figure hugging black t-shirt that showed off his muscle definition and blue denim jeans with his hair combed to the side like Sodapop has it in the movie.

"I gather you're not ready yet?" Rob stated rather than asked as he looked me up and down and I realised I probably looked like shit as I had just woken up. "Shit!" I slammed the door in his face then reopened it "Ahh I'll meet you down stairs in about 10 minutes." Then again I slammed the door shut. I ran around my room like a mad woman trying to get ready, I quickly curled my hair so it hung it loose ringlets, I applied basic mascara and foundation. I grabbed the first thing I saw from my dresser which was a black off the shoulder sweater and a denim mini skirt. I grabbed some boots, my purse and then ran down out the door and down the hall. I quickly put my black boots on as I waited in the elevator. I looked at the walls which were covered in floor length mirrors and I reminded myself of Sherri off Rock of Ages.

The doors dinged open and there was Rob sitting patiently in one of the red cushioned chairs. "Hey, sorry I'm late...and sorry for slamming the door in your face. You just surprised me." I chuckle lowly flushing red from embarrassment. I looked up at Rob who was just staring at me "What's with you?" "You just look really good." I raise my eyebrows "Seriously? I literally threw on the first things I could find." "Well it suits you." He leans in and kisses my forehead gently making butterflies flutter like crazy in my stomach.

We walked hand in hand out the doors and into the bright sunny morning. The sun glared down on us but the air was cold reminding me it was a little way to summer yet. I feel my stomach grumble I groan "argh! I am so hungry! I want food now...do I have to keep walking?" I turn to face Rob and he smiles mischievously "No." before I could even attempt to stop him he scoops me up in his arms. "Wh-What are you doing?" holding on for dear life even though I knew he had me. 

"Well you asked if you had to keep walking and here's my proof that you don't have to because I am very happy to carry you anywhere you need to go." I grin in response and kiss his cheek.

 "But you can put me down now." He shakes his head "Robert Lowe you put me down right now!" I say fake sternly he laughs lightly and puts me down. "What's so funny?" "You...you're adorable." I take his hand and we start walking again "No puppies are adorable and I am not a puppy." He looks at me like I just explained rocket science but then he goes back to smiling which makes me smile.


"Wait no hang on! You can't just-bu-I hate you!" I finish by grumbling. He stole my bacon...I can't believe he had the audacity to steal MY bacon! He just grinned dubiously as he took a bite out of the rasher I tried to snatch it back but he ducked away. So I lean over and grab his last hash brown he frowns but I just do the same thing as he did with my bacon. "Now we're even." I wink.


We walk on set hand in hand once again laughing at a joke. I look in front of us and see the guys standing around and talking. "Hey guys." The first eyes that meet mine are Matt his face goes hard and he quickly looks away. Rob lets go of my hand and goes over to Tom and starts laughing about something.

"So you and Rob huh?" Emilio winks and nudges me in the side. "Yeah...you got a problem with that huh? Huh?" I get up in his face and then we both just laugh. "You're an idiot." He shakes his head and laughs "Yeah I know but if I wasn't your life wouldn't be half as interesting." He raises one eyebrow but then just grins and ruffs up my hair.


"So what are we filming today?" I ask no one in particular scanning the schedule that hung on the wall.

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