chapter 7

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" look amazing!" "Thanks Emilio." (Outfit above) I blush as I look down at my feet I had finally decided to go on a date with Emilio. "Shall we go?" I nod and we link arms walking down to the elevator. "So where are we going?" the doors ding close he turns to me "Out for dinner." I roll my eyes and chuckle "Yeah but where?" "Oh to this nice little restaurant in town."


We arrive at the restaurant and he takes my coat for me I thank him and take a seat.

Dinner was nice and full of lots of laughs and fun not to mention the food was amazing.


We arrive back at the motel and we walk back down the corridor to our rooms. "I had fun tonight." "Me too." He admits and then leans in and kisses me. The kiss was nice...but there wasn't any spark. It wasn't intense or full of passion like a kiss should be. We pull away "um that wasn't right was it?" I shake my head and turn my eyebrows up in sadness. "No...I'm sorry. I mean tonight was amazing...I had so much fun with you but...there's just no spark." He nods although he also seems a little upset. "Yeah you're right! Maybe we're just meant to be friends." "Yeah I think so...but best friends." He grins "Of course!" we hug and then go our separate ways into our apartments.


"Hey AJ how was your date last night?" Tommy asks winking as he walks up to me. I was organising some paperwork for Francis "Yeah good like we had a lot of fun but we decided we were just better as friends." He looked slightly disappointed "That's a shame but I guess everything happens for a reason." I smirk and punch his arm light "you know you're pretty wise for your age." He rolled his eyes in annoyance "I'm only like 3 years younger than you." I laugh and wrap my arms around him "Your only a widdle baboi" I said in the best baby voice I could muster he wiggled free and walked off. "Awh Tommy don't be like that." He turned around smiling and flipped me off.

I laughed and returned back to my filing. "Hey Autumn Jane I want a coffee!" "I'm going Francis." I yell back and grab my purse. I finish the paper and hand it to him on my way out. "Oh and some lunch!" I don't answer but keep walking.


I arrive back with his lunch and coffee "Here you go Francis." I pass him his lunch and he smiles. "Thanks kid, don't know what I'd do without you." "Starve to death or die from coffee withdrawal." I reply sarcastically. "Oh and I'm gonna need you to be an extra in today's shoot to so be in hair and makeup at 6pm." I nod and smile in excitement. "Anything else at the moment?" "Yeah Marjorie needs help organising costumes." "Sure."

"Hey Marjie." She looks up at me and smiles "Thank god you're here. There are costumes all over the place can you help me clean up and organise them please?" "Yeah of course." I get to work and picking up parts of the costumes of the ground. "Wow these boys are pigs." I sigh as I fold clothes they had thrown on the ground. "So how was your date with Emilio last night?" I look at her in disbelief. "How do you know about that?" "Please everyone around here knew. So how was it?" "Wait! You mean everybody knew?" I ask emphasizing the word everyone. She nods and rolls her eyes "Yes. Now how was the date?" she asks impatiently. "Yeah um good but there won't be a second we just decided to stay friends." I swear I heard her mention something about Matt. "What?" "Oh nothing." She says quickly as if guilty of something.

We finally finish organising the costumes and sigh in relief. "Thank god that's done!" I chuckle and so does Marjie "Agreed. We need to teach those boys how to be cleaner." "Yeah good luck with that they're teenagers." I laugh I then look at the clock "Shit sorry Marjie I got to get to hair and make-up. I'll see you later." I rush out the door to go to hair and makeup when I am interrupted by Matt. "Hey babe where you going?" "Ok 1. I'm not your babe! and 2. Where I'm going is no concern of yours." "Why don't you like me?" he frowns but I felt like he was mocking me slightly. "You haven't given me a reason to." I then step around him heading to hair and make-up I make the mistake of looking back to see him shaking his head and smirking at me. Crap! What does that mean?


I arrive at the local drive in where we were shooting the next scene. "Oh hey AJ are you an extra again?" Tom asks "nah I dress like this and come to the filming locations just for kicks." I reply sarcastically. He then tickles me and I put my hands up in surrender "Ok ok I give in." I scream and laugh. "Hey you two knock it off!" Francis yells which makes me laugh more. "You're evil." I turn around to face Tom but he just chuckles and puts his arm over my shoulders. "Hey guys." I say as we reach the rest of the gang. (Outfit above) "Hey AJ you look...really beautiful." Matt smiles and I blush "Thanks Matt. See now I have a reason too like you." I whisper so only he can hear and he smiles back. "So this is the drive in scene right?" "Yeah why?" Rob asks "Well isn't it just Ralph, Matt, Tommy and Emilio in this scene? Why are you guys all here?" "To support one another." He replies "Oh cool."

"Alright everybody places." Francis yells I break away from Tom and take my in the rows of seats behind the guys. We were about 2 takes in and I was just watching the movie on the big screen when I look over to the guys and see Matt fall off his chair it takes everything in me to not laugh my ass off but I manage to supress my laughter unlike Tommy, Ralph and Dianne. But like the professional Matt is he carried on acting. Watching Matt act was intriguing he was an amazing actor like I already knew that from watching his movies at home but I don't know I can't explain it.

We finished filming and he came over to me. "What'd you think?" "Of what?" I reply "My acting. How was it?" I try to play it cool I shrug "yeah really're gonna become a big deal Matt." I say whole heartedly and he smiles genuinely. "You know AJ when you're not a bitch you are really nice." I scoff and roll my eyes "And when you're not an ass you can be a great guy." He smirks and leans in towards me slowly before connecting his lips to mine. Fire ran through my body as his fingers grazed over my skin and I knew this was how a kiss should be.

hey guys sorry for the delay in updates i have been busy with moving houses, homework, school and work. Plus my other phone died and i only got this one yesterday meaning i only got the wattpad app back yesterday. I was without the app for 2 weeks!!!!! but oh well i have it back now and hopefully that means more updates for you.
Please comment and/or give feed back guys and vote its much appreciated and i love interacting with you all.
Anyway until next time xx

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