Chapter 12

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Okay so:

1. I am extremely sorry for my total lack of updates!!! I never realised just how much work and study Year 12 entails. I  need a really high ATAR to get into the course I want so I do apologise but school is my number 1 priority this year.

2. I have re-read this book and physically cringed at some moments e.g spelling mistakes, taking like 2 weeks to say I love you (like seriously 2 weeks who does that?) also some other things. So I will be re editing chapters from Chapter 4.

3. Due to my editing of the story Rob and AJ haven't said I love you yet.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will try and update as much as possible.

"Rob! stop!" I yell slightly shoving his chest. I didn't mean to but it just happened he was smothering me and it was making me go crazy. He looked startled and hurt which instantly made me regret what I did. 

"Look Rob...I'm sorry its''re smothering me and I need my space I get you're worried and you're just trying to be a good boyfriend but you can do that other than trying to control every aspect of my life." I realised it sounded harsh but it needed to be said. He stood there for a minute as if deciding how to take it and without another word he dumped my bags and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.


That certainly wasn't what I expected to happen not from him. Matt, maybe...wait what does he have to do with this?

I expected Rob to hug me, or nod in understanding heck maybe even yell or something but not just walk out. 

I won't apologise for how I am feeling, I know he was just trying to be caring but I am an independent person I'm not used to relying on people. 

But he was just helping you my obnoxious subconscious adds fuelling a guilt I hadn't known was beginning in the pit of my stomach. 

I instantly frown but push my guilt aside best I can, I am in enough pain as it is.

As I hobble around my room trying to organise my clothes and alike my mind wonders back to 2015. Where my life was so much less complicated. I was a college student with a dorm, good friends and was fangirling all over S.E Hinton's books; more specifically The Outsiders. 

I remember laying on my bed reading the part where Dally comes and visits the boys at the church.

How has my life changed so drastically? 

How did I end up here? 

The question that has being gnawing at me since day one here but where the hell would I find the answers to these questions?

A knock on the door startles me from my thoughts, I shuffle over towards the door slowly trying not to move the stitches in my stomach.

Opening it Tom's eyes meet mine and a smile lights up his eyes.

"Hey, look who's back from the dead." he extends his arms emphasizing his point making me giggle. 

"Hi Tom. What are you doing here?" I open the door up allowing him to enter the room.

"Rob told us you were coming home today so I thought I would be the first one to come see you...where is he anyway I thought he'd be following you around like a lost puppy." 

His words sting, fuelling my ever growing guilt "Uh...he was but he left." His face changes to an expression of utter confusion. "Seriously? The way he had been acting I didn't think he would leave your side for anything."

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