Chapter 11

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"Yes doctor?" "The good news is the surgery went well. We successfully removed the bullet and it didn't hit any major organs. The bad news is we don't know how long she will be unconscious."

I nod and feel Susie's grip tighten on my arm. "Can we see her?" Susie asked exactly what I was thinking and i was thankful for that.

It was so happy that she wasn't dead suddenly a weight felt as if it was taken from me and i felt so much lighter.

"Of course. She's in the last room down the hall." "Thankyou." I mutter and almost run down to her room.

I stop immediately as I stand in the door way what I saw scared me. She was connected to so many tubes and wires. She looked as if the life had been sucked out of her. Her skin had gone so pale, there were dark bags under her eyes and her red lips were chapped and dull pink.

"Autumn Jane..." i mumbled which of course was useless I know she couldn't hear me.

"You know she can hear you Robert" Susie swiftly walked past me towards AJ. "How do you always do that?" "Do what?" "Know exactly what I'm thinking."

She chuckled slightly and grabbed AJ's hand. "Practice i suppose."

"Susie, when do you think she'll wake up?"

I grabbed Autumn Jane's other hand it was cold. "I don't know Rob." I nod and kiss her hand.

"It's only been 5 hours and I already miss her laugh so much I'd kill for it."

 "You guys are great together. I'm glad you're together." she smiles stroking some hair away from her face.

"Thanks Susie."

"No worries. Anyway I got a husband to get back to so I'll see you tomorrow and don't worry about filming I'll talk to Francis."

She walks out before I can respond. 


I woke up to Matt calling my name. All the guys were here with flowers and balloons even a teddy bear. "How she doing?"

"Yeah Matt...good. Surgery went well they got the bullet out. Now we just have to wait for her to wake up." He nodded he looked really nervous he was even sweating. "Francis gave us all the day off filming. He was even thinking that he would come by later." Emilio said.

We all sort of just sat there in silence no one really saying anything; just waiting for her to wake up. I heard someone clear their throat at the back of the room I looked back to see Francis. His hands were shoved in his pocket and for the first time ever he looked real insecure almost afraid.

"How's she doing?" he walks closer examining her with his eyes looking at all the tubes and wires that made her look almost alien like. "She's going to be okay. We just don't know when she is going to wake up." I say looking back at AJ.

I just wanted her to wake up so much I wanted to hear her laugh. I don't think I could ever get over hearing it.

"Good because I want my assistant back." I smiled because I knew this was how he showed affection. He then walked out without another word.

"Man he must really like her." Matt smirks grabbing Autumn's other hand.


It was late and we were pretty much all asleep; I almost was but I felt something move. My head snapped up to look at her. Her eyes slowly opened and it was like she had seen the world for the first time. "AJ!" I exclaimed squeezing her hand. She looked down and smiled at me "Rob." Her voice was raspy and weak. "What happened?" "You were shot but a mugger but it's okay now because the doctors removed the bullet and it didn't hit any major organs."

She smiled and then looked around "The boys are here?" "Sure are. Have been all day. Francis even came to see you."

She looked at me astonished and smiled "Wow...sure do get popular when you get shot." I chuckle at her remark and look around the guys were all still asleep. "Hey guys wake up!" I said a little bit too loudly. I then turned my gaze back to Autumn she looked confused almost irritated as her eyes landing on Matt who was still holding her hand. She violently pulled it away startling Matt awake.

The guys starting crowding around her all smiling from ear to ear. "Hey AJ, how you feeling?" Tommy asked yawning. "Like shit to be honest. My stomach hurts like hell." "I'll go get the nurse." Ralph said and ran off with Ponyboy which was kinda odd because those two didn't usually get along but I guess tragedy brings everybody together.

They come back with the nurse a few minutes later and AJ is already starting to fall asleep. "Good to see you're's the second time you've been in here this year Autumn Jane." AJ's face almost looked panicked as she looks at the nurse.

Second time? I wonder what the first was?

Matt looks at AJ who ignores him, I could see the hurt in his eyes and it made me suspicious as to what he felt for her.

"There that should tie you over till morning." She leaves the room. "Why were you in here the other time?" I ask but she is already fast asleep. "I think maybe we'll go. We'll come back tomorrow." Patrick whispers and leaves with the other boys.

I rest my head back on my arm and fall asleep.

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