Chapter 6

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I got back into the car where I now sat in-between Tom and Emilio. "So where are we going now?" I ask as I rest my head against the head rest in the back seat. "We're going back to the set to see if the fault has been fixed." Tom explains. I nod in response; I was a little nervous about going to the movie set. Francis Ford Coppola would be there professionals would be there. S.E HINTON WOULD BE THERE!

I hear Emilio chuckle next to me and then grab my hand "You alright there? You seem a little nervous." I try to smile "uh yeah...I am just a little nervous about being surrounded by such professional people." Which wasn't a complete lie I was just mainly nervous because I was about to meet both S.E Hinton and Francis Ford Coppola. Emilio chuckles "Don't be. They're all just people like you and me." "Yeah but I'm just some outsider." I grin and they all laugh. "Nicely done." Emilio holds his hand up and I high five it calming down slightly.

We arrive at the set where people appeared to be rushing around with costumes, loose pieces of paper and props. I think Emilio could still see I was nervous because he draped is arm over my shoulder and smiled at me. I took a deep breath and we started walking...where to? I wasn't sure.

It's so weird to think that a few days ago I was just some ordinary college girl and now I was a girl hanging out with 7 of the best actors from the 80's.

We stop walking and I drop my jaw in awe of who was standing in front of me it was both Francis Ford Coppola and S.E Hinton. They looked to be going over a script or something.
"Hey Susie. Cameras ready yet?" Matt smiles and takes a drag on a cigarette.
"Yeah but we are all gonna meet back here in about 2 hours."
"But boys I want you to report to hair and makeup before the meeting." Francis instructs pointing around with his pen.
"Who's this?" My idol asks smiling sweetly towards me.
"Oh Susie this is AJ. AJ this is Susie Hinton or her secret undercover alias S.E Hinton for when she goes on secret missions even though she claims it's just so people would take her writing serious." Emilio jokes nudging my side Susie chuckles with a roll of her eyes.
"It's nice to meet you AJ."
"Like wise. I love your books! You're an amazing writer." I then mentally face palm myself for fangirling around her but she just blushed and hugged me.
It took me by surprise for a second but I then hugged her back. "Thank you. That means a lot!" she whispered in my ear then let go.

"Bloody hell where is that assistant of mine?" Francis grumbled looking around and throwing his hands up in the air.
"You don't have one." Susie said as if she had said it a million times.
"Well then I need to get one." He grumbles flicking through the series of papers in his hands.
Francis Ford Coppola needs an assitant? I thought for sure he would have one.
Ask for the job. My subconscious adds, i would love to work on the movie. To be able to work with amazing talent would be the opportunity of a life time.
Before I can stop myself the words tumble out of my mouth.

"Well what about me?" everyone looked at me like they were sizing me up.

"W-Well it's just I have nothing else to do here and I'm a hard worker, punctual and reliable." Francis's expression doesn't change he just seems to keep staring.

"Alright you're hired. $8 an hour and don't even think about asking for a raise. You start in 2 hours when we start filming." I nod and smile "Thank you so much." He just nods then walks away.

"This'll be great we can work together every day now." Emilio pulls me closer to him and I breathe in and am overwhelmed by his scent. He smelt like soap and old spice it was almost intoxicating so much so I had to pull away.


It was 2 hours later and the boys had all their hair and make-up done and were now in their costumes. I walked up to Francis "Hi um sir what would you like me to do?" 

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