4. Boat day

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Last night when we finally got to my place after a quick stop to grab some food shopping it was 8pm and we were exhausted. The last 30 minutes of the journey traffic really wasn't on our side as the entire time it was Lando and Pierre getting frustrated at other drivers.

There were 5 bedrooms in my place and of course Alex and Lily shared one, and then so George, Lando and Pierre could have their own rooms Rach and I decided we'd share my room. Also, the only bedroom that actually looked like it was ever lived in.

This morning I woke up at 7:30 and decided to head downstairs to make everyone some breakfast. When I got downstairs I was surprised to see Lily was already awake as well with a cup of tea in hand.

"Morning, what are you doing up so early?" I asked the golfer as I put the kettle on to make my own cup of tea.

I heard her let out a small sigh before she answered, "Alex was snoring his head off all night, I couldn't get more than a few hours without being woken up."

I knew Alex snored from videos I've been sent by the boys in the past but I never knew it was actually so bad to the point poor Lily was unable to sleep. "Is it always like this?"

"No," she shook her head frantically placing her mug down on the counter, "usually it's fine and I'm not bothered by it but every now and then it will be god awful and it means I have to sacrifice my poor sleep for the night," she laughed as I joined in a little.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better I've planned for us to have a nice relaxing day today whilst still getting us all outside of the house. Thanks to climate change, we've managed to get a 20° day in the middle of January," on a serious note though, 20° is concerning for January. Usually, it's 17° this time of the year at the highest in Bilbao.

"Ooo, so what's the plan then?" Lily asked clearly now a little excited for the day ahead.

Just before I answered the kettle went off to let me know the water had boiled and I now could make myself my tea. "Well, I own an express cruiser down at the beach that hasn't been used since August and needs a good run somewhere so I thought maybe we could all have a day out on the sea."

"I love that idea, oh it's going to be wonderful," Lily skipped round the kitchen counter and gave me a quick side hug, she was currently in her dressing gown whilst I have just a big old jumper thrown over my pjs.

"It better be, they're all going to think I'm delusional though considering it's January and somehow 20°," I chuckled as I decided I'd be making pancakes for breakfast. Not the healthiest option but I know we'd all enjoy it and simply not tell our trainers or anything.

Lando and Alex I know have told their trainers they'll be taking a weeks break from everything apart from the odd reaction time practice but I don't know what George and Pierre's plans are. The boys weren't worried too much about one weeks worth of stopping training when the season doesn't start till the middle of March.

I, however really should stay on top of my workouts and healthy eating. My trainer, Hannah, would kill me if she saw me making pancakes right now but it's a good thing she's not here. I'm still going to try and go for a few runs this week though as I do have a shoot with Vogue in two weeks.

I was liking my schedule so far this year, January I have had completely free apart from this Vogue shoot at the end of the month. February, I was supposed to go on SNL and The Jimmy Fallon Show along with a few auditions for new roles. March, I start filming for my new film where I'll be working with Chris Evans and Margot Robbie which I was excited for. I get a weeks break from filming for my a premiere in mid April and then we'll wrap up shooting in the last week and a half of April. Then May so far the only plans I have is for the Met Gala.

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