7. Jimmy Fallon

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It was nearing the end of February and the past few weeks have been just auditioning for new roles and then I did SNL last week. This week, I have the Jimmy Fallon show which I've been on once before and I adored it so I'm excited to be going on again.

I've spent a week and a half in America so far and I'll be spending a lot of time here again over the next few months for my new film. I didn't mind the US, it just certainly wasn't my favourite place on earth. I had barely been able to see my F1 boys recently and Rach I had managed to drag to the US with me until tomorrow night when she gets her flight back.

I had Kai with me, I figured i didn't want to leave him with someone else to look after him in the early stages of having him. If ever, actually. I think he'll always go wherever I go especially he seems to love the car and didn't care too much about the flight. The only trouble we had was with the turbulence.

The dressing room I was getting ready in for the show starting in 20 minutes began to feel a little hot. I wasn't even wearing an outfit I'd really ever get hot in usually as well so maybe it was just the nerves.

Majority of the time I'll be fine with nerves and they won't ever really be an issue but for big live shows I still struggle sometimes. I opened my phone and didn't even look at who I was calling until I heard the familiar voice pick up, "Maria?"

My uncles comforting voice spoke on the other end of the phone, "nerves, I'm getting nervous again," I told him as I fanned my face with my free hand.

"Vale, María recuerda inhalar y exhalar lentamente. Piensa en la vez que fuimos a montar a caballo en ese campo de flores, encuentra ese espacio de paz," he spoke comfortingly as I took his advice. (Okay, Maria breathe in and out slowly. Think about the time we went horse riding in that field of flowers, find that space of peace).

After a few minutes I managed to feel myself calm down, "Gracias, I don't know what came over me."

I heard him let out a small chuckle on the other end of the phone, "it happens to all of us, mi sobrina. I'll be the one calling you in a weeks time, are you sure you are unable to make it to the opening race of the season?"

I had told my Uncle Fernando a few weeks ago now that unfortunately I was unable to make it to Bahrain for the first race of the 2023 reason. At the time, I really did believe I couldn't make it. It was supposed to be the first weekend of shooting this new film but it got pushed back by 3 days due to so many scheduling conflicts. I, however hadn't told dearest Fernando that yet as I wanted to surprise him. I already have spoken to Aston Martin to sort out my paddock pass and everything.

"Realmente lo siento," I said putting on a sad tone, "I've tried everything but I'm just unable to make it. Maybe Saudi Arabia though?"

"As long as you still and try watch the race, even if it is through a little screen," I hated hearing the slight disappointment in his voice but it will all be worth it to see his face when I turn up on media day unexpectedly.

"I have to go now, pero te amo," he quickly told me he loved me too as I hung up the phone and switched it off placing it into the pocket in my black dress trousers.

I rushed out of the dressing room, fixing my short maroon dress before I heard Jimmy announce my name to the audience and I stepped into everyone's view and sat on the sofa beside Jimmy. "Why hello Miss Alonso, it is great to see you."

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