19. Baking

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"Carlos no!" Lando squealed as he ran around his kitchen island whilst the Ferrari driver chased him with a drill in hand.

We were all in Monaco now and it was Wednesday afternoon. I had decided in staying at Lando's place whilst we were here because I just wasn't in the mood to stay in yet another hotel. Kai was also with me and currently sleeping peacefully on his bed in the corner of the kitchen whilst I watched Carlos and Lando be stupid.

Carlos had got here about 20 minutes ago to help Lando build a new desk space for himself and because of course they are men, they refused to read the instructions. They'd so far tried to build it for 5 minutes before giving up and now were just messing around.

"Maria, save me!" Lando grabbed a hold of my arms and hid himself behind me.

"Sorry, no can do. Too busy grabbing out my phone and calling George," I said as I tapped George's name and my phone began to ring.

It only took about two rings when the Mercedes driver picked up, "you okay?"

"Depends how you define okay. I have Carlos chasing Lando round the kitchen with a drill at the moment... anyways, I have called to see if you'd be willing to come over to Lando's place and just build this stupid desk before someone ends up dead and I actually know you'd read the instructions and get it done in like 30 minutes," I explained whilst Lando was still cowering behind me.

"Already on my way," I heard him let out a small laugh on the other end of the phone.

"You're a life saver, I'll see you in 5," I then hung up the phone to see Carlos glaring at me.

"We don't need help," he said with his big wide eyes continuing to glare at me.

"But you do, you gave up after 5 minutes Carlos and you didn't even read the instructions."

The Ferrari driver just shrugged his shoulders, "so, you have an issue? ¿Desde cuándo algún español escucha instrucciones estúpidas?" Carlos switching to spanish confusing lando as he looked at me waiting for a translation.

"Instructions aren't stupid and many Spaniards use instructions, my papá doesn't dare not read them and the only reason Fernando doesn't is because he's just too lazy," I answered.

Carlos just rolled his eyes at me, "Okay but Lando has never read instructions in his life."

"I do!" Lando shouted even though I knew that was a lie. Not once in my time of knowing Lando has he ever read instructions.

The pair continued to argue about reading instructions for another 2 minutes when Lando's doorbell rang and I quickly rushed to answer it. "Georgie, thank god!" I smiled giving him a quick hug and dragging him into the house.

"Lead the way," he said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him through the house towards Landos little study room. I don't fully understand why he has one if I'm honest, I mean it is a good place to store a bunch of paperwork, contracts and so on in but other than that I don't ever see him actually using the room.

"Hola George," Carlos said giving George a big smile and a quick wave before I continued to drag the Mercedes driver through the house.

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