12. Premiere

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Today was the day of my premiere and I couldn't be more excited to have my first premiere with all my really close friends and family. Even little Mateo was attending who I was especially excited to see as I had missed him greatly.

I hadn't spoken to Mason since the night of our dinner and I don't think that unfortunately we will ever speak again unless we happen to bump into one another. I was currently sat down doing my makeup with Rach and Pierre sat behind me.

"I thought you had people to do that for you?" Pierre asked breaking the comfortable silence in the room.

"Well, yes, I do. Doesn't mean I can't do my own makeup though and it's a pretty basic look for today so I don't want to drag people over to London when they aren't necessarily needed," I answered as I grabbed out my eyeliner. The one thing I'm not so good at when it comes to makeup but usually if I need help Rach is the perfect person to ask.

"You know you guys probably need to get ready yourselves," I suggested to the pair as they looked at the time. The premiere started at 5pm and it was currently 3:15pm.

"Oh shit, you're right. If you need me just call I'm only down the hall," Rach said hopping up and giving me a quick hug before sprinting out of my room.

"You do realise there's still over an hour and a half till you got to be there, surely it doesn't take that long to get ready?"

I turned around to look at the Alpine driver, "oh you oblivious poor child."

He looked at me rather confused, "what do you mean?"

"Us women don't have the luxury of turning up somewhere after just ruffling our hair around a little. We have to meet the standards of beauty unfortunately and that can take time, makeup, hair, accessories... all of it really."

"...oh, right," Pierre said as if he suddenly understood though the look on his face told me he didn't.

"You wearing anything fancy?"

The Frenchman shrugged, "I don't know if it's really fancy. Just a purple suit, white shirt and a black tie, I was still unsure as to what the hell you exactly wear to a premiere even though it's my entire search history recently."

"Hey, at least it isn't plain black so it will be easy to spot you amongst everyone else," I smiled as I put away all of my makeup and got up to go sit next to him.

"What's little Mateo wearing?" He asked before I grabbed out my phone and showed him the picture my mum sent me about 20 minutes ago of him trying on his little suit.

"It matches my dress," I smiled as I admired the bronze coloured suit wrapped around my little brother making him look all grown up. "I can't believe my little baby brother is turning 5 in a month."

"They always grow up too quickly," Pierre said as he flung his arm over my shoulder and gave me a light squeeze.

"You know what any of the others are wearing? They all refuse to tell me anything," I groaned, for weeks now I have been trying to get everyone to tell me what they were wearing to this premiere but they answered with the same thing every time.

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