11. Mason

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Today I had agreed on going out for a meal with Mason and I was a little nervous. I didn't want him to think it was a dare or anything.

I was honest with the boys the other week, I really don't think I was interested in him like that at all. Mason seemed like a fun and nice guy but not in the relationship kind of way and I didn't want anything to come from tonight apart from us being friends.

I had talked to both Margot and Chris about it and they told me I just needed to be straight up with him which was my plan. Margot was currently in my apartment helping me get ready, not that I really needed it though.

My outfit was simple, I was going to wear a pair of low waisted jeans with a dark blue tank top and an old brown leather jacket to keep me warm. The weather in New York was a really nice temperature at the moment with 18°C weather.

"Can I steal your dog?" Margot asked as I placed my jacket over myself.

I looked at the pair currently on the floor, "get in line, you have about 10 people ahead of you," I chuckled as I stroked the top of Kai's head. "You sure you're okay to stay here and keep an eye on him?"

"Yeah of course, he's adorable," Margot reassured as I put my converse on and grabbed my purse.

"Thank you, again. I'll see you later," she shouted goodbye and with that I left my apartment and as I knew I wasn't drinking anything at all tonight I took my own car.

Mason picked a restaurant that was out of the way of the bustling New York to which I was grateful. It wasn't anything fancy though hence the outfit I chose.

We were almost done filming as we'd been working 16-20 hour long days a lot recently which though exhausted me it also made me a lot happier. I love being on set but I hate that I'm not there at the races with all my family and friends.

Saudi wasn't a great race for any of my little F1 boys, however Fernando was able to snatch P3 once again. I felt awful I wasn't there to celebrate with him and also cheer up my friends.

Rach was really busy with work as she'd managed to get her promotion and I was so happy for her. It allowed her a lot more freedom and flexibility to do what she wanted but the first few weeks she needed to fully understand her new role so I've barely had the chance to speak to her.

I did speak to her about tonight though and she gave me the same advice all the boys did and to just be straight up with him.

I was about half way there to restaurant when my uncles name popped up on the screen to say he was calling me. I quickly answered, he'd most likely just got back to Barcelona as I knew he was staying in Australia for a few days after the race where he once again managed P3.

Alex, George and Pierre all had a DNF and so the night after the race was not a fun call with them all seriously pissed off. I really felt for them but on the other hand Lando had a really good race and managed P6.

"¿Estás en casa?" I asked as I know he was due to be home around this time or pretty soon. (Are you home?)

"Sí, acabo de regresar, ¿estás en camino a esa fecha?" I let out an annoyed noise at his words. (Yes, I just got back, are you on your way to that date?)

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