20. Monaco GP

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"I'm still annoyed you aren't able to make it to the race today," I groaned as I was on face time with Rach. Today was Sunday, meaning it was race day and I was ridiculously excited for the race, there's just something about the Monaco GP that I love.

"I'm really sorry babe, I would have loved to be in Monaco right now. You've got Lils and Cam tho, and aren't Margot and Chris at today's race as well?" I heard her ask as I roamed around the guest room in Lando's house.

I was looking for any McLaren merch I could find that Lando just had laying around but for some reason he only had a cap in the guest room. I do have my own stuff but for some reason I wanted all of his stuff.

"Yeah, Margot's in the Ferrari garage and Chris in Mercedes," I told Rach as I picked my phone up off my bed and walked down the landing before banging on Lando's bedroom door. "Lando you better be dressed, I'm coming in."

I didn't even wait for a response before barging in and heading over straight to his massive walk in wardrobe. "Ria, you have your own clothes."

"I know, but I want your clothes," I told him as Rach laughed on the other side of the phone.

Lando then walked into the walk in wardrobe only wearing a black tank top at the moment and a pair of white jeans. "Okay, but why do you want my clothes?"

I sighed, "I want to rep the full McLaren merch but half of the shit I have are just 200 caps, a raincoat and then like one shirt which has a stain on so I have come in here to steal your McLaren stuff as I know you have enough to last you 2 years."

I then grabbed out a McLaren shirt and jumper and skipped out of the walk in wardrobe giddily, "oh thank you Lando, I love you Lando, you're my best friend Lando," I heard the Brit mock from just behind me.

I spun myself around and smiled at him, "thank you Lando for unwillingly lending me your clothes, I love you and your generosity and you are almost my best friend," I then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving him flustered at his bedroom doorway.

"Glad to hear he still is yet to claim the ultimate best friend title from me," Rach laughed as I quickly got changed.

I then sat down by the dressing table that Lando for some reason had in the room even though I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who has ever used this thing. "What kind of makeup look should I go for today?"

Rach mumbled a few times, "casual, but with that orange eyeliner I got you the other week to really show off the McLaren love," she laughed as I grabbed out the bright orange eyeliner.

About 20 minutes later I was done with all my makeup, stood up and gave Rach a little twirl, "I didn't know you liked the colour orange," she laughed as I scowled at her.

"Shut up Rach."

"Only for you," she joked giving me a quick wink before Lando burst into my room.

"You okay?" I asked giving him a concerned look as to why he's just burst into my room like it's the end of the world.

"All good... what do we think?" He asked pointing at a leather jacket he was wearing and did a little dance.

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