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She could only imagine the worst as he turned his gun to face Derek. She wasn't sure what came over her. She aimed at his leg and pushed the trigger without a flinch. In the corner of her eye she could see the larger 'gangsta' she didn't know but was familiar with moving toward her. She heard Derek grab his black steel weapon but she reacted quicker.

This time once the bullet had made contact with her target she flinched. His blood splattered over her face as he fell to the ground. He had moved closer in the moment it took her. The bullet that was meant for his shoulder burst through his head.

She could only see red as blood dripped from her own face. The closeness between them clear.

"Fuck"Maxwell spoke through gritted teeth, it had turned uglier than ever imagined.  "Please get her out of here. I will deal with it all. Give me her gun and get her out of here"He pleaded with Derek who was already standing in front of Meredith trying to get her to talk.

"Owen her friend is inside, Cristina. Tell her to stay in there and not to come out.  Then take Meredith's car to my place. Put it in my garage , Mark you follow in your car so you can bring him back here. Then Owen you sit with the friend. Dad.."Derek met Chris' eyes.

"Derek, look at her. She is your priority. Get her out of this mess I got it" Chris spoke. Meredith looked at the man on the floor and then to her father.

"I..I kiled him Derek"She looked up into his eyes.

"You didn't do anything princess. Come on, I need to get you out of here" He stroked her arm softly. She stepped back and turned to the side as vomit exploding from her mouth. David stood holding his leg. He had never seen her this way before, it was proof she wasn't made for his life and it hurt him, made him feel a way he had never felt. "Shh its okay"Derek rubbed his hand over her back.

"Derek get my daughter out of here. Please. We will deal with this mess. But we need the gun" He was in pain but he could see the pain in his daughters eyes. Derek looked at the steel she clutched in her bloodied hands. 

"Let go for me sweetheart"He whispered gently, she did as he said without question. He handed the weapon to Chris who pulled out a cloth and began to wipe it clean. Derek hooked his arm around her, tears streamed from her eyes. He had just strapped her into his car when Owen left in his car, smartly pulling Meredith's behind him with a tow rope leaving Mark with Chris. 

"I'll get blood everywhere"She muttered,  no one would believe it if they heard it. 

"I don't care, I don't care"He spoke, he drove behind Owen to make sure everything was okay seeming as he was pulling Meredith's car behind him.

Meredith fell completely silent, tears falling freely onto her lap as he drove. He left her in the passenger seat once they got to the garage so he could help Owen.

"Keep Cristina Safe. Tell her Meredith is shaken up and with me. You need to make a story up in case cops come. Keep Mer out of it"Owen nodded. 

"Look after her Derek, I will make sure everything is sorted on the other end. I will come here after okay" Owen promised as he got in his car and drove away.

Derek couldn't believe she had put a bullet in her fathers leg to protect him. The shot after was to protect herself.  He knew the man. He called himself the 'Dope man'. His real name Jimmy Rivera.  He was a nasty man, Meredith had done the world a favour. But she would never see it that way and Derek knew it.

He carried her through the garage, into the elevator, through the first floor of his home, up the stairs and into the bathroom of the guest room beside his own room.

"Can I shower you? I promise I won't do anything other than your top half. Keep your panties and bra on if you like Mer but I need to get this blood off of you" She looked up at him.

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