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Amelia and Mark returned an hour later, a large suitcase being pulled the brunette. Her eyes instantly settled on the blonde who laid asleep on her brother's chest. His arms were wrapped around her securely as his chin rested on Meredith's head lightly. His hand soothingly runs up and down her back. 

Carolyn couldn't stop herself staring. Each time Meredith would begin to panic he would soothe her, whisper in her ear, place kisses to her forehead. It was evident in his eyes that he cared for this woman. 

The men had never seen Derek so off guard, so comfortable, he seemed genuninely content although worry would flash his features every time she flinched or let out a cry.

The entire Shpeherd family were shocked, she had really risked everything for them and lost her family in the process. But they weren't much of a family to her, just blood relatives. They covered up the crimes more for their own backs than hers. They couldn't risk bad publicity or questions, but that was the Grey's, selfish and reckless. Meredith didn't hold any resemblance toward that family.

 Meredith comfortably awoke in his arms, her eye lids fluttered open slowly. 

"I'm sorry"She whispered to Derek who frowned.

"Stop saying sorry princess. Amelia is back with your stuff."Derek stroked her hair as she sat up slowly. She took in all of the faces, each one filled with care. 

"Everything was okay, you have a really nice place. I noticed a photo of you and a dog on the beach. It is beautiful" Amelia had an eye for detail, she was shocked at the homely feeling. She hadn't expected such warmth from someone who had been so dismissed by her family.

"That would be Nellie, we got her when I was seven. She died not long ago"Meredith offered a warm smile.

"I would also like to say you have amazing taste in fashion. I packed way too much but wanted to give you options"Meredith nodded.

"Thank you, it means alot. I am sorry to burden you all"She looked down as Derek squeezed her waist.

"Don't be silly"Derek sighed as Owen looked at her with a frown.

"I am going to freshen up if thats okay?"She asked Derek softly.

"Of course, let me take this up. I will be back down"He nodded to the others as Meredith thanked Mark and hugged Amelia.

Derek showed her to the room beside his, where she could put her things and have space.

"You can come up here whenever okay. This is for you. This can be your room. You can put anything you want in here. I know you are only here for a week but I want you to be comfortable" He cupped her cheek, the marks her father had left on her face more obvious now the makeup had worn off. It was strange to believe that it was only yesterday this all happened. 

Now she was his, it felt crazy to say. He hadn't expected it so soon after what had happened. But he was happy, nervous and scared of the feelings he knew were developing.

"Can I look at your side?"He questioned. Meredith nodded slowly and pulled up the shirt slightly. Exposing the dark purple bruising to both sides of her ribcage. Derek sucked in a breath as his jaw ticked in anger. How could a father inflict this pain on his child, let alone his daughter. He wished he had killed David the night before. 

He placed gentle kisses to both of her sides, covering as much area as possible. He stopped when she let out the most softest moan he had ever heard.

"Is that a weak spot I should note"He looked into her eyes as he spoke. He had been kissing just below the bruise just above her hip bone. 

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