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Its a longgg one 

She was utter perfection in his eyes. He had never seeked anything other than sex, he had never wanted anything beyond that. But with her he wanted everything, he wanted the passionate sex, he wanted the lazy morning cuddles, the nights on the sofa watching movies, he wanted the passionate kisses , he wanted everything with her including a relationship with all of the other things.

He never thought of himself as a kind nor soft man until he met her. He began caring what she thought and how she felt. He never thought he would be jealous, then he had the thought of someone else having her and his knuckles turned white. 

She had made him realise millions of things in the short time he had known her. 

Waking up with her in his arms was something he could get used to. But this time was different from the others. This time she wore his bite mark on her thigh and shoulder, the mark on her neck hadn't stayed over night. This time her skin was hot against his, this time the feeling of her pressed against him made him hard. She laid on her stomach, the covers draped over her  body, her leg brushing Derek's. 

He pulled himself out of bed to sit on the chair nearer to where she slept. He watched her for an hour at least just admiring her. How perfect she looked in his bed. How cute yet sexy she looked in her satin vest that had risen and lace trimmed panties. The lightest noises escaped her mouth causing him to smile widely, this was all he wanted. Her. 

He finally left the chair to complete is daily routine, he used his home gym, he showered, trimmed his the pubic hair around his length, brushed his teeth, groomed his face and dressed himself. He wore a navy shirt and tight fitted black pants. He left the top two buttons open on his shirt, applied his cologne and made his way downstairs to make his girl a hot chocolate which was her favourite drink in the morning.

He had smiled when getting ready having noticed the marks she had left, including very noticeable scratches on his neck. He hadn't even felt her pierce him with her nails. 

Meredith turned in the bed as she slowly began to stir, the cold sheets startling her lightly. A smile instantly formed on her face as she remembered the night before. How gentle he had been when she needed it but how rough he got when she asked.  He had wanted one thing and she knew it, it was her pleasure. 

Standing from his bed she made it perfectly, not a crease in sight. She knew they'd be alone so she decided to make her way downstairs dressed as she was. In her black satin vest and black brazillian style underwear.

The cold air instantly hardened her nipples. The second she made it to the kitchen he noticed her, his eyes instantly scanning her frame. Inctinctively Meredith folded her arms to try and cover herself. 

Derek took three large strides toward her, pulled her arms away from her chest and placed the most passionate kiss to her lips. His hand on her jaw as he devoured her. His other hand wandered everywhere before settling on her ass. His tongue battled hers. He noticed how she had eaten a strawberry drop before coming down.  The taste of her mouth was one he enjoyed more than anything.

"Good morning, angel. Don't ever cover yourself up around me." He chuckled as he looked down on Meredith whose lips were swollen.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know if you were going to regret what we did or anything"She seemed nervous, he could sense it. With a quick movement he picked her up and placed her on the counter, he positioned himself between her legs and cupped her cheeks.

"Listen to me, I know I have never done this before. I know I am so new to wanting someone the way I want you. Jesus I fucked you in my bed last night no one other than family as ever been in my house let alone my bed.  Meredith I don't just want your body. I want the laughs, the cuddles, the corny movies you pick and jokes we have.  I don't regret a thing okay"He touched her nose with his as he kissed her mouth softly. "Do you want to come to lunch with my family and I baby. Let me show you off to the fucking world" Her entire face lit up, her smile reached her eyes.

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