Twenty Five

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During the dinner the air was tense, the children scared and the adults were wondering why David Grey was choosing now to strike back.  Meredith was forbidden, the Grey's were supposed to hate the Shepherd's yet she was bedding one. She'd never seen herself as a Grey at heart, their cruscades meant nothing to her.

Once the dinner was over the men spent around two hours discussing safety techniques, ways to protect their family and themselves. 

Chris had never had to do such a thing, he'd never had a threat quite like it. He knew one thing for certain, no matter how hard the Grey's pushed they wouldn't get her back, they never deserved her. 

Derek had been full of anger, his body pumping with adrenaline. The fear of losing her was his biggest. She'd become the thing he relied on, he needed her as much as he needed oxygen.  

"Come on angel, let's go home"Derek's voice shocked Meredith from where she sat on the sofa with Carolyn, Amelia and Lizzy. Her hand was wrapped around a hot cup of coco. His hand rested on her shoulder as he leant down to place a kiss within her hair.

"Thank you so much for tonight, I'm sorry I keep bringing you drama and trouble"Meredith sighed gently.

"Don't be silly, you are our family, we protect our family" Carolyn warned her as she embraced her again.

Meredith said goodbyes as Derek called Loki in from outside, the kids were already sleeping in a room upstairs.

Derek held her close to his body, he made sure she was in the car safely before making sure Loki was strapped in.

The entire drive his hand sat on her thigh. He squeezed lightly every now and then to provide her with reassurance. He drove directly to his private gates then to his garage. Once they were inside he allowed Loki to rome the house as he took Meredith into the security room.

"I didn't realise you had all of this"She frowned as he checked every single camera, each sensor, each light as well as cables. 

"I never needed it, not until now. How about you go look on the sofa I need to go upstairs quickly okay. But first are you okay. It was scary what happened tonight"He admitted looking at the floor.

"Derek, I'm okay. I just hate that my father is doing this. I'm not worth the fight" Her eyes were glossy, her lips were trembling, his however seemed dark with emotion.

"Don't you ever fucking say that Meredith you hear me. You are everything to me. You are worth it all. I would lose myself if something happened to you. I didn't realise it for a long time but now I do, Meredith you are what I need, I love you so much and I will continue to fight for you. He won't win."Derek's hands were on either side of her face, he looked directly into her eyes as he let the words flow from his mouth.

"I didn't..I didn't realise I meant so much to you"She gulped as she looked back into his eyes with a hint of guilt.

"Because I've never proved anything to you. Go look on the sofa. I'll be back okay" He kissed her as they turned their separate ways. 

She stalked over to where Loki had settled himself. Shock filling her as she looked down at the pile of things he had bought for the dog, the bowls, toys, blankets, food, treats, beds, everything Loki needed he had.

"Did he spoil you boy, yes he did."Meredith cooed as the dog wagged his tail happily. She began playing with him with one of the new toys, tugging it around as he growled playfully.

She hadn't heard Derek return, nor noticed him watching her. 

He had watched her thinking how perfect it all looked, having her prescence here with Loki, having her giggle and the dogs playful yap fill the air.

"I have something else to show you baby"Derek cleared his throat. Meredith turned with a small smile, standing she tugged down her dress from where it had risen.

"Thank you, for doing this for him to make him feel more at home"Meredith kissed Derek's cheek before he led her up the staircase. 

As they approached his room he covered her eyes with his hands, leading her the rest of the way. Once in the room he dropped his hands, her eyes instantly widened.

The smell of fresh rose petals and roses filled her nose, the cadle lights dimly lighting the room. On the bedside unit sat a huge bouquet of red roses. Then on the bed sat hundreds of rose petals scattered around a large teddy bear in the middle holding a heart, a large red bag, three white and gold bags as well as a box of chocolates. Her eyes settled on him as a gasp escaped her mouth.

"Derek.. you didn't have to do this"She looked at him with the purest look of love.

"I did, I owe it to you. I know it hasn't been the greatest evening. But baby let me promise you this, I won't let anything happen to you. In the next couple of days your stuff will be moved here, I'll have an office space cleared for your books, laptop and work things. You can have space whenever you need it but I need to know you are safe." A few days ago the thought of being here with him again living here would scare her. But he'd proved to her on multiple occasions that she was the one. "Now open" He gestured to the gifts on the bed.

She opened them one by one, her eyes welling with tears, by the time she'd opened the third the tears were pouring from them. She threw herself into his arms.

"Derek you didn't have to but I love them,  I love them so so much, thank you" He kissed her lips softly before taking the bangle, he unclasped it before reclasping it around her wrist. She took the earrings and looked in the mirror, clearing her air out of the way and taking her old earrings out before her new ones took their place. 

Derek came behind her, brushing all hair to one side exposing her neck to him, like a vampire he latched onto her skin, sucking at it as if he'd die without her. He licked over where he'd bitten to soothe the light sting he knew he'd leave.

Then he took the necklace from the box, bringing it around her neck before clasping it. He showered the skin in soft kisses.

"You look fucking amazing, you know this is me marking my teritory as well as spoiling you right. You are mine Meredith. I won't ever give you up"His words were demanding and spoke in almost a growl that sent heat to her core. "Last one"he nibbled on her earlobe.

As she opened the bag she giggled lightly, a blush forming over her cheeks as she pulled the set out. 

"I love it, its my style, you pick well Mr Shepherd"She bit her lip softly.

"Yeah, you might be a devil in bed but you are always my angel. White looks amazing on your skin. I will devour you in it angel, it's a promise"Meredith looked up with a mischievous grin. She stood up and lifted her dress over her head, leaving her in only her matching blue underwear.

"What about now Mr Shepherd, will you devour me now?"He nodded his head as he approached her.

"Of course I will, I would never say no to you my girl" With that he pushed her to the bed a squeal leaving her lips as his light facial hair brushed her skin.

That night they forgot the termoil of the day, they made love and cherished eachother with each kiss, each lick, each thrust, moan and  grunt. 

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