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"Y/n, you shouldn't leave when you're—"

"Y/n, get back here—"

"Y/n, you haven't wash the—"

"Y/n, you're doing this for a long time how come you forget—"

"Y/n, the water! —"

"Y/n, you haven't—"

"Y/n, Y/n... Y/N!"

"I AM NO MORE Y/N! I AM DOBBY THE FREE ELF!" Y/n shouted, throwing the piles of laundry on her hand up in the air as her patience grew thinner the longer she could hear her name from all these random people she never had any idea existed .

It was too tiring to pace here and there as if she was the only servant in this whole area to do all the chores. So, she decided to march away from the other servants who were also washing the linens.

"Y/n, where are you going?!" asked by a girl who Y/n thought name was Miwa. "W-We have not done—"

"I don't care anymore!"

Y/n was pacing around the Gojo manor, neglecting her duties as a servant. "Why would I need to do all these chores?!" She hissed. "I mean, I am a servant but... this is abuse!" She groaned to herself as she wiped the wetness of her hands on her servant robe.

"Y/n, could you get us water for the bath, please?" Asked by a girl—who made Y/n come into a sudden halt—who seemed to be the head chef of the house, Y/n saw her giving instructions at the kitchen earlier.

Looking at her in the proper light, Y/n thought that she was really a delight at the sight, she had this mole under her right eye that complemented her mid-length, auburn hair and eyes.

Y/n didn't know what this pretty lady's name was yet, but she was sure that under normal circumstances, she would happily obliged at her whim.

But this is not normal circumstances.

"Sorry, I have other things to do." Y/n muttered with the most respectful manner she could muster. She had thought a lot of insults to throw at these people but she decided to spare her none.

"Oh, shame..." she muttered.

Y/n then broke into a run with a small tsk-ing sound, "I don't want to follow them, I need to get back in my time!"

She was trying to retrace all the steps she did the night before she was miraculously transported in that era so she could have the idea of what to do now.

"Okay, okay, calm down Y/n... Well, let's start, I climbed the mountain—ate dinner— enjoyed onsen— got a semi-tour in the house—slept and... woke up." She breathed out as if listing those things were enough to drain all her energy.

She didn't know when and where she started to travel back in time, whether it be during her sleep? Or maybe when she heard a random voice in onsen, she didn't know. "When did it all happen?!" she growled. "Is there a gate wayback? Or anything else? Like maybe a magical bus to transport me into the future?"

"Excuse me—"

"Should I do these chores? Dang, if labor law is implemented during this time, these masters of the house would be in jail." She muttered to herself, completely unaware of the voice that just spoke behind her.

"Err... hello—"

"Maybe if I die here, I will wake up in my own world. Okay... that seems to be logical reasoning. But what if not?" she hummed.


"What?! Can't you see, I'm thinking?!" Y/n bursted out of nowhere when she heard a masculine voice who disturbed her meeting with herself by the koi pond. Her face was brick red.

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