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 Y/N: Your name

Age: 17

Ejirou Kirishima: 17

Your quirks (yes you have two): shifting into a dragon ( like Ryuko Tatsuma) and fire ( it is kind of an add on to the dragon thing (bc dragons have fire and stuff) but basically you can use it to teleport and burn stuff 

Weaknesses: Your dragon quirk relies on blood (signs are pale complexion, gold eyes instead of purple,  an irritated behavior, and sometimes violence) as its main sustenance or you'll become weak and unable to shift (don't worry you can still eat regular food) and your fire quirk isn't as powerful when it is cold

         It was a breezy, autumn day when I woke up. Well, at least that's what my phone said. And it was Monday. I hated Mondays. For a variety of reasons. First, it was Monday - mundane Monday. Second, something always goes wrong for me on Mondays. Third, I had to go to school because Thanksgiving break had just ended. Which meant I had to move back to UA. The bright side was that I'd get to see Kirishima again. He'd become one of my closest friends since school started, and I loved hanging out with him. 

       Soon, I was dressed as I stared in the mirror at my UA uniform. I lightly tugged at the collar in a futile effort to loosen it. While I wanted to look formal and professional, I wasn't too keen on cutting off my airflow. I tied my hair up in a ponytail, then took it out because it made my pointed ears stick out. I looked like a freaking elf. Why I was so self conscious about my ear, I have no idea. My snow white hair, flowed over my shoulders and my dragon wings and tail contrasted it. After staring at myself for a moment more, I finally gave up. Who was I trying to impress anyway? Why did I care? I ended up leaving my hair down and flying to school after hugging my parents good bye.

       I loved the feel of the wind on my face. I beat my wings faster as I saw UA come into view. Normally, students should have dorms, and I did, but I lived so close that I usually stayed with my parents. But just in case, I had my dorm all set up for me to live there. Backpack in hand, I dove to ward the ground, pulling up last minute. Smoothly, I landed, drawing stares from other kids. And I get why they're staring. I must look so different, with my shock of white hair framing olive tan skin, a pair of black wings and a tail sprouting from my body, dark purple eyes with reptile-like slits instead of pupils, and fangs. I've lost count how many people asked my if I was a vampire. Just to be clear: I. Am. Not. And to top it all off, I have horrid scars, the worst ones marring my face.        

       I walked into the classroom with five minutes to spare. Iida was already there, furiously writing something on a piece of paper. 

"Hey," I said as I walked up behind him, laughing when he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Don't scare people like that! I could've thrown this pen at you," he brandishes the thing like it's a weapon and I crack up. 

"Oh no!" I say in mock fear. "What ever will I do, since my weakness is small ballpoint pens?" My voice is high and playfully sarcastic, and even Iida smiles.

"I'll save you," a deep voice murmurs behind me and I whirl around to find Kirishima staring at me, his eyes laughing. I grin and give him a hug, and he returns it. 

"Really?" I say as I pull back. "Just how do you plan on doing that?" Suddenly, he sweeps me off my feet and I squeal, only to clap my hand over my mouth a moment later. I stare up at his blood red eyes, which are staring back at me, and I blush. I cover my face in embarrassment and Kirishima laughs as he puts me down. "That's what I would do. I'd sweep you off your feet and carry you away." I smiled at his gentlemanly gestures. 

       More students file into the classroom. When Todoroki walks in, I go to talk to him. 

"Hello. Whatcha reading?" I lean over his desk, trying to catch a glimpse of the book he's reading.  He shows me the cover to reveal it's Pride and Prejudice. 

"But that book is so old. I didn't know you liked those type of books," I commented as he settled back in his seat and began to read again. Todoroki nodded thoughtfully. 

"Yeah, it is old, but sometimes the older books are better than the newer ones," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Bookworm," I teased as I sauntered away. Just then, the door banged against the wall and in walked Katsuki Bakugo. And let me say, even though that boy has got anger issues, he is so fine. Sexy as hell. With his spiky blonde hair, blood red eyes, and aesthetic facial features, he was a sight for sore eyes. If he learned to shut up a little bit and control his violent nature, I could see how so many girls would flock to him like moths to light. But I knew even if he said he cared about me at all, he wouldn't love me back. It's sad, I know. But his pride would get in the way of everything. Even me. He grumpily huffed as he slouched in his seat as he looked at the rest of the class with a contempt. 

       Kirishima noticed me staring and came over to distract me. He knew what I felt for Bakugo, and we both knew nothing good would come out of it. "Let's go see what all the commotion with Momo Yao is." I smiled up and him as we walked toward our classmates. He was such an amazing friend. But a friend, nonetheless. But the sad reality was, no matter how charming or adorable Kirishima was, I felt nothing for him compared to Bakugo.

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