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       I followed his as silently as I could, staying in the shadows. He was walking back to UA. 

'Hm, I wonder why...' I thought as I flew behind him. I made sure to stay close enough to where I could always see him but far enough to where he wouldn't see me. Cause then that would be who knows how many levels of weird. But at the last moment, instead of going to UA, he took a right turn. 

'Where is he going?' I wondered as I crept after him. He broke into a run, going down streets I had no idea even existed. The buildings got shabbier and uglier until finally, he stopped in front of a building that looked like it was once painted a bright green and orange. Rather, what remained of the building. The roof was sagging, and the wood seemed rotten. The windows were broken with old curtains covering the holes. The door looked like it would fall of its hinges any moment, and the creaking it made when Kirishima opened the door hurt her ears so much I had to cover them. I flattened myself against the wall outside the door, preparing to go in, when suddenly, he shut the door. 

'Great,' I thought frustratedly. 'Now I can't get in.'

       I began looking for other ways to enter the building until I came upon a broken window that had no curtains. Cautiously, I snuck inside, careful not to disturb anything I saw. This may have once been a nursery of some sort. Little wooden dolls lay scattered about, along with rocking horses and toy cars. A rocking chair sat in the corner, a small doll propped up on it in a siting position. It's face was cracked, fingers chubby, but its glassy eyes seemed to follow me wherever I went. Honestly, this room was scaring me, so hurriedly, I left. 

       As I was walking down the hallways, I wasn't paying attention when I rounded a corner and ran into someone. My eyes widened as they met Kirishima's. He looked at me, concerned, as he got up from the floor. My mind was racing to find an excuse, anything, but when I opened my mouth, no sound came out. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly, his arms holding my shoulders.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled and tried to turn away but he held me where I was.

"That's not an answer, Y/N," he chuckled.

My face heated as I replied, "well, after my match when you congratulated me, I congratulated you and you seemed kind of sad so I wanted to know what was going on. I'm sorry if you didn't want me to follow you here." I looked up to see him smiling warmly, but something was off. His grip was strong - really, really strong - and I knew he would never hold me like that. 

"Hey, Kirishima, you're hurting me," I tried to shrug his hands off, but they tightened painfully. His face began to melt, turning to a smelly goo as the real person appeared. She was young, with two messy space buns and scheming eyes. 

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously. 

"My name is Himiko Toga, and you're going to join us or die. I have a feeling we're going to be besties!" Her high pitched voice hurt my ears. I marveled at how she could have such an enthusiastic attitude during an evil plan.

"How can you look like Kirishima?" I asked when she tied my hands behind my back and walked me down the hall.

"I get their blood and I can turn into them."

Wait. "You didn't kill him, did you?" Fear coursed through me.

"No, little devil. We didn't kill him," another voice sounded somewhere ahead of me. I raised my head and looked around, but I saw nobody.

"My gosh, Dabi, stop being so depressing and come meet my new bestie!" Toga called from behind me. I was trying to think of ways to get out of her killer grip when a tall man walked out of a room. He had stitches all over him and spiky black hair, which reminded me of Bakugo's. He seemed pretty chill, but I had a bad feeling about him. Not as bad about Toga, though. 

"So... who exactly are you guys?" I raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"You've never heard of us?" Dabi looked shocked.

"We're the League of Villains!" Toga said in a singsong voice.

       Oh great. I was screwed then. Nobody knew where I was, so I was on my own. I wish I hadn't fallen for that fake Kirishima. They'd known I would follow him. Why was I always so stupid? 

"You work for All for One?" I asked, trying to stall why I formulated a plan. Whatever cuffs were on my wrists prohibited me from teleporting. Stupid Toga. I tried to look around non-suspiciously and spotted a rusty pipe. That wouldn't do much, but it was something. 

"We have notified UA that one of their students was taken captive." A deep voice drawled behind me. I whirled around to see a man with a mask and a top hat. His black cloak billowed behind him as he strolled towards us. 

"So they'll come for me," I said, puzzled. Why would they notify UA? Then it hit me - I was the bait. 

"You guys are so foul!" I shouted at them.

"We're villains, little devil. What else would you expect?" Dabi and Toga laughed at my outburst. It only made me angrier. But I shut up because I didn't want to engage in a fight. While I'd never heard of Toga or magician man, I'd heard of Dabi, and he had a nasty reputation with those flames of his. I didn't really want to fight him. 

"Bring her in the red room and have some fun," Dabi told Toga and nodded at me. "Keep her alive though, because I'll be there when you leave."

       Unbridled fear shot through me at his words. What kind of fun was he talking about. So many thoughts rushed into my head at the same time. Toga walked past me but grabbed my tail so I almost fell over. She was walking at a brisk pace, and I stumbled to keep up with her. "Just you wait, " she said in her high, fake voice. "We'll get very well acquainted in just a few moments."

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