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-Y/N's POV-

Kirishima's red hair was the first thing that alerted me to his presence.

"Hi, Sleeping Beauty," he murmured and stroked my hair. I smiled faintly and raised my hand enough to cup his cheek where a smudge of dried blood was. 

"You have blood on your face," I whispered, and he left to go wash it off. When he came back, we just sat in silence while he played with my hair. Finally, he broke the silence.

"I was so scared I'd lose you today," he blinked several times before continuing. "Like, I grew up with a grim past, but then I met you and you're my best friend, and I just can't imagine a world where you don't exist." Tears pricked my eyes at his sweet words. Suddenly, he pulled his phone out and began doing something on it. Then, he put it down on the bed as the song If the World was Ending by JP Saxe ft. Julia Michaels stared to play. I was a step away from melting. This boy was so sweet. I let myself imagine loving him instead of Bakugo, and I could see it, spending my time with him, doing homework together, training together. When I looked at him, I realized I was wrong. Bakugo was nowhere near as good as Kirishima was. He checked to see if Recovery Girl was still there, then stood and extended his hand to me with a grin.

"Will you dance with me?"

       I smiled and stood, laughing as he twirled me around the recovery room. Kirishima was super careful, making sure I was firmly in his grasp all the time so I wouldn't fall or anything. The next song that started playing was Stuck With U by Arianna Grande and Justin Bieber. I snuggled into his chest as we slow danced. Kirishima rested his chin on my head and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"I have something to tell you," he whispered when the song finished playing. 

He led me back to the bed and sat down beside me.

"Well, two things, actually. First, since we're such close friends, feel free to call me Ejirou or whatever nickname you want. You don't always had to call me Kirishima." I nodded and then he sucked in a deep breath and laid back, staring at the ceiling. He seemed really nervous for some reason. 

"Didn't you say you had something else to tell me?" I questioned and playfully poked his shoulder. He laughed, but it sounded strangled.

"Yeah, but I'm working up the courage to say it right now." I tilted my head in confusion. What could be so hard to say?

After a long moment, Kirishima sat up and gently took my hands in his.

"I really like you. Like, as more than a friend kind of like. I get if you don't feel the same way because I'm really lame and stuff but-" I cut him off as I hugged him. He seemed shocked for a moment, but then his arms came around me.

"I really like you too," I started, "and I want you to know that you are not at all lame - you're literally the best  person I've ever met. You're amazing and smart and strong and I'm so, so lucky to have you as my best friend." I gently wiped a tear that slid down his cheek.

"I shouldn't cry," he sniffed, "it's not manly."

I laughed. Just full on cracked up. "Seriously? That's what you're concerned about right now?"

He returned my smile and pulled me into a hug once more.

"How about when you get better I'll take you on a date?" Ejirou whispered into my hair.

"I would love that," I whispered back.

His arms tightened on me and I breathed in his smell of fresh citrus and ocean waves. He smelled so dang good.

"Hey. Do you still need blood?" His question had my cheeks heating up.

"No. Recovery Girl gave me blood transfusions, so I should be fine."

"Okay. Just tell me if you need anymore," he winked as he got up. "So I'm going to let you get some sleep so you'll get better faster."

Suddenly, my eyelids felt so heavy, but I managed a smile and a wave before I fell asleep.

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