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-Y/N's POV-

Kirishima was acting strange. I noticed by his overly cheerful behavior when he walked in the classroom. His eyes found mine, and I glared at him, as he quickly look away. Good. Be intimidated. He slowly walked to his seat and sat down. And paid attention the entire class period. That's when I knew something was up.

At lunch, I brushed past him, and this time, he didn't try to grab my shoulder or call my name. He was just talking with the other guys like I didn't exist. I hated the small pang of regret that came with his actions. Why had I wanted him to call me back? The answer came to me almost immediately. I still had hope. I still had feelings for him. Even I knew I couldn't get rid of those.

Kirishima was laughing loudly, and memories flooded back into my mind at the sound of it. Ugh, I hated this. What was it - Kirishima withdrawal symptoms? I wasn't a clingy girl. I didn't make him my entire life. Well, actually, I kind of did, but still, not completely. I found myself actually missing him. Maybe he'd moved on. Well, it was his decision, not mine.

I continued walking down to the lunchroom when Ochaco bounced next to me.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, noticing how energetic she was.

"Deku finally asked me on a date!"

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing!" I gave her a high five and the  I-told-you-so look. She just laughed.

"So... how's things going with you and pretty boy?" I looked at her in confusion and she winked, so I played along.

"Oh, it's good." I heard Kirishima stop talking behind me and felt his gaze boring into my back. That got his attention quick.

"Has he asked you out, yet?" She whispered, and I couldn't help but think she was an amazing actress.

"No, but I'm fine going slow, since my past relationship ended the way it did."

"Ah, I see." Was her only response. "Hey, do you want to come with me for a girl's day out this Saturday?"

"Yeah, that would be great!" I replied enthusiastically as we entered the lunchroom. I snuck a glance at Kirishima when I sat down. He seemed to be in deep conversation with Deku.

-Kirishima's POV-

Pretty boy? Just who the hell was pretty boy? Jealousy reared its ugly head in me and I barely restrained myself from grabbing Y/N and shaking her. How had she moved on so fast? After everything they'd done together, she'd let him go so easily. Hurt blossomed in his chest. Y/N had done the same thing his previous girlfriend had done. Dated him, dumped him, moved on to another guy real quick. And he was left broken.

I sighed when I entered the lunchroom, but when I saw Deku, an idea popped into my head. Maybe he had an idea of who 'pretty boy' was. But when I asked, he just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Bro, you broke up with her and she moved on and now you're jealous?"

"No. She broke up with me, actually."

"Oh. That sucks. Sorry."

"I heard you asked Urarakra out."

"Yeah. It was super nerve wracking, but I did it." I remembered the feeling. It saddened me to think about it a little bit. I glanced over to where Y/N sat, and I noticed the slight droop of her shoulders, which told me all I needed to know. She wasn't as happy was she wanted me to think. 

"Hey, don't stare. She'll think you're weird."

"She knows I'm weird, Midoriya."

"Still, you're not even dating, so you have no reason to stare like some idiot. You're not Mineta."

"Dang. Doing Mineta dirty like that, huh?"


"Nah, you're fine. He kind of deserved that." I spared a glance at Y/N before Midoriya turned my head away.

"Dude, you have a staring problem," he commented before walking away. I stared after him. So what? I didn't care if she thought I was weird for staring. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I couldn't care less if she thought I was a bumbling idiot. 

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