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Two weeks later, I was walking down the hall, fingers intertwined with Ejirou's. We'd decided to get back together, apologized for the whole I'm-a-killer-and-now-we-can't-be-a-thing-anymore conundrum. And he finally showed me what he'd meant by sexcake. Heat gathered in my cheeks just thinking about it.

I looked up to see him staring down at me with a slight smile on his face.

"I think I know what you're thinking about," he said softly.

"Really? Then what is it?"

"My explanation of you being a sexcake that I could feast off of for days. No - forever." My face turned bright red. Redder than his hair. "Knew it," he chuckled under his breath. I elbowed him slightly and he laughed.

"I love you," he said and released my hand to put his arm around me.

"I love you too."

"I know."

"Oh, so now you're going to go Han-fucking Solo on me?" I laughed at him and he turned on me with a mock serious face.

"There's no Han-fucking Solo about this moment, Princess Leia," He fake bowed, and I snorted. "Since I'm better than him." Ejirou stuck his chin in the air.

"Cocky boy," I chuckled lightly. He gave me a light peck on the lips, which made Iida yell at us to get a room and Mineta to start crying about how I couldn't be his anymore. Ejirou pulled me against him.

"You see this?" He motioned between us to Mineta. "This is real, and she is mine, so hands off." He pointed at Bakugo as well, who'd just walked in. "Hands off, Bakubro. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, shitty hair. We all know how you dream of fucking your girlfriend every single second of every single day." My face flushed so red that Mina came over to help me hide my embarrassed face. Suddenly, Kaminari raced in holding a small notebook in the air triumphantly. Mineta made a small choking noise.

"Guys! Look at what I found!" Kaminari leapt out of Mineta's reach.

"What's that Kaminari?"

"It's Mineta's fantasy book of everything he'd do to every girl in this class if they came to his room. And he added how he'd get them there." Iida began a whole new lecture, yelling at Mineta about why perverts never got anywhere good in life.

"Man, Mineta. You ever wonder why you don't have a girlfriend?" Bakugo drawled, and Mineta turned on him with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I will have a girlfriend and she'll be better than all the whores in this class." He stomped out and the entire class began yelling at him for his rude comment.

"I'm not a whore, Mineta!"

"Yeah, I'm not either."

"Don't you worry girls, none of us think you're whores." Ejirou's firm voice calmed everyone down. The other boys grunted in agreement. Bakugo meandered to his seat, sighing as he sat down and propped his feet on the desk. Iida looked like he was about to say something, but Bakugo cut him off, saying, "look. This ain't your class so stop acting like you own it."

Iida whirled with disappointment and went over to talk with Deku and Todoroki.

"Sometimes I think something's going on between Deku and Todoroki," I whispered to Ejirou, who surprisingly nodded in agreement.

"Sometimes I think there's something going on between Deku and everybody," he said after a moment, and I laughed.

"But not you. Your mine," I leaned into his chest. 

"And you're mine." His arm tightened around my waist. I looked at our class and smiled, thinking about how lucky I was to have friends like this. So blessed.

Thank you guys so much for reading this and I rlly hope you enjoyed it. This was my first time ever writing smut so if I didn't do so good I'm sorry but pls feel free to leave me suggestions for what to write next!

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