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       Two weeks later, I was regularly walking into class, my fingers intertwined with Ejirou's. I loved him. I was so lucky to have him as my boyfriend. Surprisingly, Bakugo hadn't tried to murder Red or anything. 

"Are you ready for today?" He whispered in my ear. Today we were going on a field trip, but Aizawa's ominous words that it would be hell still echoed in my ears.

"Yeah, why would you think otherwise?"

"Well, for starters, you're squeezing the life out of my hand."

I quickly released his hand. "I'm so sorry," but he cut me off with a quick kiss. I gently put my hands on his chest. "Red, we're in public!" I whisper yelled, which made him laugh.

"I could care less about what others think."

I stared at him, then gave him a hug.

"I guess I'm just stressed for whatever Aizawa has planned for us."

He rubbed my back. "You're going to do amazing. I mean, heck, you're super strong and brave. This will be easy peasy for you." I smiled against his chest.

"Hey lovebirds," Kaminari called as he meandered in.

"Hey single," Ejirou playfully shot back and Kaminari pretended to be hurt.

"We are here to learn about being heroes, not socializing or doing whatever you two are doing!" Iida's voice rang out and I turned to see him doing his five-finger pointing thing. 

"He has no concept of romance, does he?" Red whispered, and I giggled. But he released me and went to his seat, whereas I sat next to Ochaco.

"Soooo... any news on the relationship?" She wiggled her eyebrows and immediately my face heated. It was probably ten shades redder than it should've been. She started laughing. 

"No! Not like that. I mean, anything in general?"

"Oh," I exhaled in relief. "Well, I've just been spending a lot of time with him, and I'm always thinking how blessed I was to have someone like him."

"Yeah, "Ochaco propped herself up on her desk with her elbow. "I want my boyfriend to be like Kirishima. He's such a gentleman and is super funny and sweet. Plus, he's strong and super sexy." I laughed.

"You know, I'm sure you'll have an amazing boyfriend," I said, then leaned closer to her and whispered, "because I wouldn't be surprised if Deku's into you." Her face went ten shades red and I laughed.

"Am I wrong though?" I asked and she shook her head, hands covering her face.

Just then, Aizawa walked in and announced that we were to take our luggage out o the bus. I leaned over to pick mine up, but it wasn't there. I stood, concerned for a moment, until I saw Ejirou standing by the door, waiting for me. Holding my luggage.

"Babe, I can take that," I reached for the bag but he held it out of my reach.

"Nonsense, sweetheart. I can carry it for you." He let me leave the room first and walked alongside me.

"You ready?" His mischievous grin appeared and I knew something was up.

"For what?" I asked, but before he could answer, Sensei Aizawa's tape - scarf thing wrapped around him.

"You failed the licensing exam, so you cannot participate in most of the stuff others' do. You'll be in training."

I watched his face fall, so I grabbed him in a hug. 

"I still think you did amazing. If I was grading you, you would've totally passed."

       He smiled and walked with me to the bus, but I could see the slight droop in his shoulder, which was the only indication of his disappointment. So I started brainstorming ways to cheer him up on the bus ride there. Then an idea came to me. When we sat in our seats, I gave him and ear bud and put one in my ear as well. Then I scrolled on my phone, opening the Disney+ app and finding Avengers: Infinity War. That was his favorite movie. So that's what we watched the entire ride up to wherever we were supposed to be going. 

       When we got there, I got the opportunity to meet the Wild, Wild Pussycats. The trio was truly the oddest I'd seen in a while, but I loved their enthusiasm. I was beginning to like them, until they said we'd have to make it through the forest to get lunch. Then make lunch on our own. I technically could just teleport, but I didn't want to leave my classmates behind, so I charged into the forest with them. For the first part of the journey, it was light work, just dodging trees and staying together. But near the end, this huge monster appeared out of nowhere! It reminded me a little bit of the monkey monster from Temple Run. We were all trying to fight it, but it kept regenerating stuff, until finally, Deku yelled, "it's made of dirt! Blast it!" So everyone with fire quirks began bombarding the monster with flames until it became no more than dirt once again.

       Now lunch was a whole different challenge. People were chopping and cutting and cooking (honestly they were just tossing stuff in a pot and stirring it over low heat). I had no idea Bakugo could do anything in the kitchen until I saw him neatly chopping carrots like a gourmet chef. 

"Whoa, how'd you do that?"

"How do you chop the carrots so small?"

"And not lose your fingers?"

"Bakubro, you can cook?"

"Shitty hair, who doesn't know how to use a knife?" Bakugo started waving it in the air until Aizawa told him to point it at the veggies instead of his classmates. We were all laughing and began having a food fight until Iida walked in and basically yelled at us to stop acting like immature children because everyone was hungry. 

       Finally, we sat down for lunch, and I swear, it was the best meal I'd ever tasted. I was famished. I practically inhaled my curry and rice, then leaned back on my hands and looked at the rest of my class. I was so blessed. Ejirou put his arm around my shoulders as we watched Mina and Kaminari have a mini food fight - that is, until Iida was hit in the face by a stray carrot. 

"I love this," I whispered to him, and he nodded in agreement.

"I wish I could do this thing with you, but I'll be in training."

I leaned on his shoulder, letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Although, I'll be thinking about you, as always." He smiled at me and I blushed.

Little did we know, the night was about to take a drastic turn.

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