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      I looked in my closet and sighed. I didn't have anything good to wear for our date tonight. In the end, I decided there wasn't enough time to shop so I put on my black Converse platform high tops with gray cargo pants and a dark green crop top. When I looked in the mirror, I felt that I looked like someone in the military. Sort of. I put on my make up, trying to look my best. Not going to lie, I was really nervous. Why was sit so easy to be around him as a friend but now that we're going on a date, I'm sweating bullets? I let my white hair flow down my back and went outside to check how warm it was. I didn't last two seconds before running inside and grabbing a jacket. Then I checked my phone. It was 5:23 pm. He would be here at 5:30 pm. 

       I sat at the kitchen table, scrolling on my phone, until the doorbell rang. Just before I answered it, my mother appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't do anything stupid, honey. Okay? I know he's a great boy, but just don't do anything dumb." I smiled, but before I opened the door, she tapped me once again.

"Yes?" I asked, hand reaching for the doorknob.

"Have fun," she stroked my cheek and walked upstairs.

       When I opened the door and saw Kirishima, dressed in a jacket with a dress shirt and jeans, I immediately gave him a hug. He returned it, but soon pulled away and stared at my outfit.

"Is it okay?" I asked him and he nodded.

"You look stunning, as always," he whispered in my ear as we stepped out the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we got in his car.

"I think that's for me to know and you to find out."

       I smiled and didn't push the subject. Why would I, especially when his surprises were so, so good? He parked in front of an expensive restaurant and got out, then opened his door and extended his hand to me. 

"Wait. We're going here?" My eyes widened and his crinkled with laughter.

"Yeah. I really wanted to make our first date super memorable." I smiled and hugged his arm.

we walked in, hands intertwined, got a booth, and began looking over the menu.

"There's so much stuff to choose from," my eyes scanned the seemingly endless food options.

Ejirou laughed. "Choose whatever you want, love."

       My head shot up, but his was behind his menu so I couldn't see it. 

"Ma'am, what would you like to eat?" The waitress asked me.

"Oh, um, could I please just have the House Salad please?"

"What dressing?"

"Um, ranch, please. Thank you."

She nodded as she left with the menus.

"Ejirou, did you already order?" I asked him and I watched him nod. He seemed to like me using his first name. I looked at him, trying to emblazon his face into my brain. But then, the food came. After a few minutes of eating, he broke the silence.

"So... are you enjoying yourself?" He asked and I saw a side of him that I'd never seen before - a little awkward, a little vulnerable, and a whole lot in love. Just like me.

"More than you know," I smiled back. "How about you?"

"I'm pretty good, right now. Everything at UA is good and I'm progressing with my quirk, and I even got the prettiest girl in the world sitting in front of me talking to me. So I'll say I'm doing great."

I blushed at his compliment.  He grinned and went back to his food.

When we finished eating, he paid, and we walked back outside. I shivered at I got a face full of cold air. Ejirou noticed and immediately too off his jacket, putting it around my shoulders. 

"You won't be cold?" I asked him, and he just laughed.

"We've been friends for so long and you've forgotten that I'm a virtual furnace?"

I ducked my head and chuckled. Instead of going back to the car, he took me down the sidewalk towards the park. "We're going to the park?" I looked at him in confusion. He just stared straight ahead and kept walking, but I saw a slight smile on his lips. I decided to just walk in silence with him. When we came to the park, we walked past it. Then we walked past a bunch of small food shops. Finally, we came to our final destination - the dock. Ejirou plopped down on a bench overlooking the quite harbor and motioned for me to sit next to him. The sunset was so beautiful out here.

"I like to come out here sometimes and just look at the water, but recently, I've come out here to think about..." he started and then trailed off.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, you."


"Y/N, I love you, and I can never stop thinking about you." I was speechless as he intertwined his hands with mine. He loved me? I squeezed his hand back.

"I love you too, Red."

He looked over at me and smiled.

"Would-would you consider being my girlfriend?" I could hear him holding his breath, awaiting my answer. I pretended to think about it.

"Well, Red, you an amazing friend and a great guy," I started and noticed how his shoulders drooped. He thought I was going to say no. "And that is why I have to say yes." He perked up, eyes searching my face. 

"Really? You really want to  be my girlfriend?" He asked with so much hope in voice that I cradled his face with my hands.

"I'm all yours."

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