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       I walked through the darkened forest with Momo Yao and Mina, joking and laughing, when suddenly, I saw a mist start coming toward us. It was surrounding us, and almost by instinct, I stop breathing when it reached us. Mina, however, didn't, and her body fell like a lead weight. So I picked them up and flew them to where Sensei Aizawa was in the clearing. And what I saw shocked me.

       Villains! One of the pussy cat members lay of the ground, blood oozing from her head. Three villains stood between me and Sensei Aizawa. One was a lizard with about two billion knives strapped to him, one was holding something that looked like a pole, and the other was just buff. They were having a low tone conversation with the heroes, when suddenly, I heard another one of the Pussy cats voices in my head.

'Don't let them catch you in the dark, heroes! Fight back!'

I zipped into the clearing super fast and set Mina behind Tiger, then flew away with Momo Yao. She handed me a mask. 

"Oh, hey thanks," I said as I put it on. 

"No problem," she answered as she put her own on. We ran through the forest, giving out the gas masks that she created. Then we encountered a villain I remembered as the Magician guy. I knew his quirk - he could turn anything into little orbs smaller than my fingers. Even people. He was floating, staring us down.

"Well, glad to see you again, Y/N."

"Shut up."

"Okay, okay, just chill, kiddo." I could hear the obnoxious smirk in his words. So I put of my hands and created probably the largest fire explosion I've ever made. When the fire died down, the area in front of me had piles of ash everywhere. And the villain was nowhere in sight.

'Hopefully I burned him up,' I thought, but I was pretty sure I hadn't.

The smoke kept closing in, and suddenly I lost Momo.

"Momo?" I called into the fog, but nobody answered. Blindly, I ran through the forest until I ran into Urarakra. She was with Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki, Tokyami, and Shouji. Apparently, Toga had fled. 

"Hey, Y/N, could you fly up and see if you still see anyone in the forest?" Tokyami asked, and I did. I scanned the shadowed forests, noticing the smoke going away, when a flash caught my eye. Blue flame. I knew of only one villain with that quirk. Dabi.

       Quickly, I flew over to where he was and saw a flash of red hair. Ejirou. What was he doing here? I landed in the shadows just in time to see him get thrown against a tree. He was knocked out as Dabi slowly approached him. Suddenly, I jumped in front of him. He swung and I ducked, only to kick him in the shin. Cursing, he jumped backwards. I ran at him, punching him in his face and stomach. Suddenly, I saw a flash and pain erupted in my ribs. I swear I heard one crack. He flung me to the ground like a ragdoll. and began slugging the sense out of me. Even as my senses dimmed, I refused to go unconscious. Because then, both Ejirou and I would die. He stood, stared at me, and kicked me in the ribs. I groaned but got to my feet as well.

"Well, if it isn't my little devil," he chuckled. I blasted him with fire and he screamed. I was so done with his shit. I didn't care if I killed him at this point. I raised the heat until the fire's roaring was all I could hear. I could feel myself on fire as my blue flames went higher, got hotter. Then, after a few minutes, I shut it down. 

"Shit," I mumbled. Dabi was nowhere in sight. I turned around and checked Red. He had a pulse. He was breathing. Surely he'd be okay. I flew him over to where Sensei Aizawa and the others were, waiting on us.

"Oh good! You found Kirishima!" Deku tried to sound enthusiastic, but he was injured very badly from his fight with Muscular.  We all went back to get treated for our various injuries. I had a cracked rib, a few burns, and a lot of bruises. Kirishima, however, had a broken hand, two broken ribs, lots of burns, bruises, and cuts. Maybe he'd run into Toga as well. But the nurse said he'd be fine, so I left to go back to training camp.

       A few days later, I got a call that Kirishima wanted to see me. Aizawa excused me and I went to see him. He was bandaged up like a mummy in his bed, which made me laugh. 

"I don't think I'm liking this Halloween costume," he laughed with me.

"You look adorable, like a life size marshmallow."

"Thanks?" He quirked a brow at me but laughed again.

"I was really scared for you," I murmured as I sat down beside his bed.

"Yeah. I heard you took on Dabi to save me. Thanks."

"I'd take on anyone to save you," I said sincerely.

"Same, babe." He said. I leaned over and gently hugged him, careful not to make him hurt. He hugged me back, or at least, he tried to, but his hurt ribs seemed to prohibit it.

"When we get better, I'm going to show you just how much I love you," he whispered after a moment and pressed a feather light kiss to my lips. His eyes were heated and I couldn't help but smile.

"And how are you planning on doing that?" I asked in a slow, seductive purr. His eyes darkened, pupils blown out, as he answered, "I think that's for me to know and you to find out."

I sat back in mock disappointment and then he added, "but I will make you scream. That's for sure."

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