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       "OKAY!!!" Sensei Aizawa's voice boomed through the classroom. "Let's get started."

We all took our seats, mine next to Kirishima. I was so lost in thought that when Mr. Aizawa called my name, looked at him in surprise. It took me a moment to realize that he'd asked me a question.

"Umm..." My voice trailed off as I looked at him.

He sighed. "Y/N, please focus on the lesson, not anything else."

       My face burned from the reprimand, but I was determined not to space out again. I felt a nudge and looked over to see Kirishima grinning at me. I playfully rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Mr. Aizawa. Before I knew it, our class time had come to an end. 

"Get dressed in your hero costumes and meet me outside in the training arena," Mr. Aizawa said before walking out the door. Soon, the whole class was outside, admiring other people's hero outfits. I had on a black jacket that had slits for my wings to go through and a tight fitting shirt beneath it. It was connected to black leggings that turned into shoes. It was like I had on a spider man suit without the mask. 

"Wow." I turned slowly to see Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki gawking at me. "You look hot," Bakugo said with a gleam in his eyes and Kirishima playfully elbowed him. Which made him yell, "what's you're problem, shitty hair?" Kirishima smiled and held up his hands in mock surrender.

"You know, Bakubro, you're hair isn't that different from mine." I laughed at his comment.

Bakugo stomped away, steaming, and Todoroki slowly approached me. He seemed to be looking me over like I was dangerous.

"You can look, you know. I'm not going to bite you," I closed the distance between us. 

"Kirishima is totally right. You're stunning in your hero costume. Someone might mistake you for a model instead of a hero," he smiled at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kirishima watching us, and then he turned, walking away. Hm. Wonder what that was. I focused my attention back on Todoroki just as he reached out and gently, gently, grabbed a piece of my hair between his fingers. I felt my face grow hot as he twirled it around absent mindedly, but he let go the moment he saw my face. 

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, " he apologized sincerely.

"No, you're fine," I replied cheerfully.

"TODAY WE ARE GOING TO PRACTICE YOUR BATTLE TECHNIQUES!" Mr. Aizawa's loud voice  stopped all conversation. Why he always looked like a depressed, introverted emo kid, I didn't know, but boy could he get loud if he wanted to. It almost hurt my ears. 

       He said he was going to announce partners, and that we would have to fight one another. basically, the last one standing won the match. This was going to be a chance to show our teachers what our quirks can really do. Excitement coursed through me as I anxiously awaited who my opponent would be.

"Deku and Todoroki,"

"Bakugo and Kirishima,"

"Y/N and Sero,"

       I looked over to where Sero stood, and we looked back and winked at me. Part of me knew this would be an easy match. Sero's quirk was shooting tape out of his elbows, which could be a bother to her, but she could easily burn right through the tape if needed. Several matches commenced before it was my turn. I cheered for Urarakra, Kirishima, and Deku. Then it was my turn. We stepped into the arena, and the moment Aizawa gave the signal, I lunged for Sero. He started shooting tape like crazy but I dodged it easily. Unfortunately, one piece caught me right in the face, and during the time I took to burn it away, Sero had covered half the arena and was running straight toward me. 

"Y/N, look out!" Came Urarakra's call as Sero tried to tape me into a mummy. I flew out of his reach and began to blast him with fire. He tried to dodge my blows, but I kept them coming, each one stronger than the one before. Suddenly, he accidentally ran right into one of my explosions and was blown clear out of the arena. When he skidded in the dirt, he didn't get back up.

       "Y/N wins the match!" Present Mic's booming voice came out of nowhere as I descended to the ground. I looked up to see him beaming, as usual. When I got back to the stands, Kirishima was the first person to come over to me. 

"Hey. You did amazing!" I loved his enthusiasm despite his own earlier loss. 

"Thanks. You did amazing too," I replied and his face seemed to fall a little bit. A moment later, it was replaced by the fakest smile I'd ever seen. Most people wouldn't have noticed, but I knew this boy too well. 

"What's wrong?" I rubbed my hand up and down his arm. His lips pressed into a tight line. I could tell he didn't really want to talk about it, so instead of pressuring the issue, I let it go.

"You know if you ever want to talk I'm right here, right?" I framed his face with my hands so he had to look at me. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded.

"Thanks," he mumbled before brushing past you and walking away. 

       My eyes narrowed suspiciously as they followed after him. He never acted like this towards me, even if he was having a bad day. Something was wrong, and I was determined to find out what it was.

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