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- Y/N's POV-

I woke up to Recovery Girl humming something. I groaned as pain flooded my head, my stomach, my arms and legs. She was by my side in a heartbeat.

"What hurts, dear?" She asked tentatively.

 What didn't? But from the worry on her face, I just replied, "oh, I'm just a little hungry." Then I got spoonful after spoonful of chicken and rice shoveled into my mouth. Then I got sick and threw it all up. And I was hungrier than I had been before. But I didn't tell her that I needed blood. That probably would've weirded her out.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Kirishima's form walked in. He had a plastic bag in hand as well as an Iced White Chocolate Mocha. He gave me the coffee first and then sat down.

"What's in the bag?" I asked, then put a hand to my throat in alarm. I didn't sound that raspy did I?

"Here," he gave me three blood bags. "I got them from the hospital and figured you'd need them." I thanked him, but I was going to need much more than three blood bags. Maybe like ten or something. He seemed off in thought.

"Are - are you okay, Kirishima?" I asked, and his gaze whipped back to mine so fast I flinched.

"Are you seriously asking me that question? When you almost just died and were all injured and saved everyone knowing how badly you could get hurt. You scared me so badly, like I don't know what would happen if I lost you. Whether you're my friend or something else, I will always love you. Even if you don't love me back. I spent the past week worrying over you - I didn't know if you'd die." I saw tears welling up in his eyes and wished I could wipe them away for him. He pulled out his phone and started playing You Are the Reason by Callum Scott. "This is how I feel about you, Y/N. And I want you to know it."

My heart began melting as I stared at this boy. This wonderful, beautiful boy. He loved me. He still wanted me. Even knowing what a monster I was. I didn't deserve him.

"But... you still want me? Even though I've done so much damage to people? Even though I might not even be human?"

"First," he responded matter-of-factly, and my heart plummeted. He only talked like that when he distanced himself from me. "I don't see who wouldn't want you. You're smart, and kind, and you really try hard to make others happy and keep them safe. No matter the cost." Then he winked mischievously and added, "plus, you're also a walking sexcake." My mouth dropped.

"What exactly is a sexcake?"

"Well, it's not something I should discuss in a public area." Amusement twinkled in his red eyes.

"Tell me later?"

"Even better. I'll show you," he whispered in my ear, causing my to shiver in anticipation. He misinterpreted the shiver and placed what looked like ten more blankets on top of me. "Oh, Kirishima, I'm fine, really."

"I know you don't want to admit it, but just between the both of us, you're not fine." He said as he tucked the blankets around me, making a cocoon of sorts. AS I watched him, my old doubts rose to the surface, doubts that I'd never be good enough, that I was a monster and nothing more. Was he proof that I could be more than a lab experiment? Maybe even human? Tears blurred my vision.

"Kirishima, I-I still love you too." I began full on crying and I had no idea why but I just was. He put his arms around me as gently as he could and tried to cradle me to his chest.

"Call me Ejirou, sweetheart," he whispered softly and pressed a kiss to my hair. Oh, how I'd missed this. Missed him. He smelled like fresh citrus and the ocean, and I burrowed into his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"I love you, Ejirou," I whispered as I put my arms around him. Or at least tried to. I didn't get very far before pain ricocheted through my limbs. We listened to the song's chorus in peaceful silence.

"I'll climb every mountain, and swim every ocean,

Just to be with you, and fix what I've broken,

Oh, I need you to see, that you are the reason..." I fell asleep in the strong arms surrounding me as the song finally finished playing. 

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