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       It's been a week since the attack from the villains, and now we're back at UA. Sitting in this classroom. Trying not to fall asleep. Or maybe it's just me. I don't know. We got back on the bus at like 2 AM and right now it was 8:32. But here's the thing: I had to unpack and get ready for class so I got like maybe three hours of sleep. And now I'm grumpy. 

       I've put on a smile for everyone during breakfast and through class, but I'm really close to either dozing off or snapping at somebody. So when we're finally dismissed for lunch, I think of heading to my room to catch a quick nap, but someone tapped my shoulder. I whirled around to see Ejirou, who put his hands in the air and slowly backed away.

"What's wrong?" I asked sleepily.

"Oh nothing. I was just heading to lunch."

"You're a horrible liar, I hope you know that," I said as I closed the distance between us and rested my head on his chest.

"Is my baby girl tired?" I nodded into his shirt.

"Alright - up you go." He swung me into his arms and carried me in the opposite direction of the rooms.

"Wait, I wanted to head to the rooms."

"A girl needs to eat," he said without slowing his stride.

"A girl needs her beauty sleep so she won't be grumpy," I retorted.

He just laughed. "I'll let you sleep later, but you need to eat now, okay?" Reluctantly, I nodded. 

       Basically, I just put my head on the table and listened to the other girls' conversations. Whenever Ejirou looked over t me, I ate a little bit. I loved how caring he was, but my body wanted to prioritize sleep over food. I noticed Jiro and Urarakra also had their heads on the table.

"Looks like some people didn't get any sleep last night," Mina's voice rang out so close to my ear that I jack knifed into a sitting position. She laughed.

"Y/N, why didn't you get sleep last night?" Momo asked.

"Well, I took a shower, then I unpacked, then I got ready for class, and finally, I slept for about three hours."

"Oops!" Mina giggled. "I didn't shower  or unpack."

"I'm starting to regret my past life decisions," I yawned.

"I can see that," Urarakra's muffled voice reached my ears. I pushed my lower lip out at her as I shoveled a spoonful of pasta in my mouth. 

"Mina," I started, "how are you always so energetic? If you're taking something, I think I need it."

      At that moment, Ejirou walked over to our table with a cup of iced coffee. I sipped it and my eyes widened.

"Did you go to Starbucks? It tastes just like their-"

"Ice White Chocolate Mocha," he finished for me. "No, I didn't go to Starbucks. I looked up the recipe and made it for you." I jumped up and hugged him.

"Thank you, Red." His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me to him.

"I'm glad you liked it," he whispered in my ear, then buried his face in my neck. I heard Mina gasp. When he left, she asked, "did you bite him and leave marks?" Her voice was brimming with excitement. 

"Yes, yes I did."

"I'm sure he swooned, girlie." I blushed at her words and gestures.

"How long ago?"

"A good while."

"Wait." She began, "then why are the marks still there?"

I choked on my coffee, which made her laugh.

"Well, the mark may fade over time, but generally they're permanent."

She gawked at me. "What," I asked around a mouthful of pasta. Before she could say anything, the bell rang, so I walked over to Ejirou and we made our way back to class.

"Let me guess - she saw the gorgeous bite mark you left on me," he said and I look up to see his crooked grin. I nodded.

"I got interrogated." I laughed. He smiled. 

"What can I say? It's Mina." I smiled at him. We strolled into class with three minutes to spare. Kaminari and Shouji were arm wrestling, and Kaminari was losing to every arm Shouji put forward. 

"Go and show him how it's done," I looked up ay him. He grinned and challenged Shouji. And won every single time.

"That's my good boy," I patted his hair when he came back.

"You know, I think you look better with your hair down," I commented as I ran my fingers through his hair.

       When class started, Sensei Aizawa surprised us. He said that we were going to take a class outing. I heard all the girls squealing and the boys whooping. But everyone groaned when he said it was Friday. Today was Wednesday. Seriously, Mr. Aizawa?

"Such a party pooper," Ejirou said to me as we walked down the hall. I knew he was referencing Sensei Aizawa. 

"For real."

"Are you free this afternoon?" He asked curiously.

"Um, no I'm sorry. I have to study and finish that project for science." He nodded in agreement.

"I totally forgot about that! Well, I guess I should go get started on it, shouldn't I?"

My mouth dropped. "You haven't started? It's due tomorrow!"

He chuckled and turned to go to the boys' dorms. 

"Hey, just text or call me if you need something," I called to him, and he turned nodded, and blew me a kiss. I blew one back and he blushed. I guess he thought I wasn't looking because he started jumping and clicking his heels and spinning down the hall. "Nice moves!" I smiled at his flushed face.

       I was in the middle of making my title look pretty when my phone vibrated. When I picked it up, it was Ejirou.

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