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-Kirishima's POV-

I watched as a huge funnel of fire erupted from where Y/N had once been. I hit the ground, groaning in pain, but my attention was immediately drawn to the giant black dragon before me. I looked around, seeing everyone's surprise except Sensei Aizawa's. He must've known. Y/N growled, and even I flinched at the savage sound. Her dragon was maybe four or five stories tall, completely black. She towered over the other dragon. 

The white dragon snarled back, growing in size until they were equal. Then they attacked. Both ran at each other and at the last second, Y/N's legs crumpled. I gasped. But then she rolled under the other dragon and preceded to rip its stomach wide open. The white dragon screamed in pain. Y/N was up and leaping so fast I almost didn't see it, but then her form was on top of the other dragon, teeth fastened into its neck. She ripped backwards, taking a piece of flesh with her and jumped off her opponent. 

Both dragons stood quiet for a moment before charging once more. The white dragon seemed to be growing with every step it took, but it didn't seem to faze Y/N for a single moment. She ducked her head and bit into the underside of the white dragon's throat. Y/N screamed as the white dragon raked its claws down her face.

They sprang apart, then charged again. This time, when Y/N reared, she was pushed flat onto her back and howled when the white dragon slowly tore her belly open while ripping at her throat. She managed to kick it off her and stood unsteadily, blood gushing out of her wounds. I could hear Best Jeanist and Hawks curse behind me at the sight.

Both dragons were losing a substantial amount of blood. Still, they fought for dominance. When they charged, they leapt into a rolling ball of claws and teeth and fire, spitting and hissing. Occasionally there was a howl of pain, but mostly it was anger and hatred. When they rolled apart and stood, I noticed tons of small wounds on both dragons. Nobody was relenting. I looked closely at Y/N's face. Her eyes held determination like nothing I'd ever seen before. She stared at the white dragon and snarled.

I saw a bright blue glow between her scales and felt an immense heat coming from her. The ran at each other, locking jaws and at the same time fire off huge blasts of fire and ice. Both dragons were thrown backwards, Y/N skidding in the dirt and coming to a stop, not moving. The same was for the other dragon. But then it got up. Y/N did not. Suddenly, the white dragon made an ice wall that created a large crack in the ground - and Y/N's dragon fell in.

"Y/N!" I yelled, but I couldn't even see her body anymore. The ice wall collapsed into the crack, and I heard that thud of the pieces hitting the floor. And her. My gaze was drawn to the white dragon, who gazed into the crack with satisfaction before turning to us. Dread pooled within me.

"Come on, Y/N!" Tsu was whispering.

"Yeah, please, Y/N! We need you!" Kaminari was nervously wringing his hands, and if I didn't have such a thing for manliness, I'd probably be doing that too. Silence stretched between us. The white dragon flew over the crack and roared its triumph. It had won. We braced ourselves to fight, but suddenly, a wave of blue fire shot up from the crack. It was huge, and so loud that I hardly heard the white dragon's screams over it. It flew out of range of the fire and collapsed onto the ground, smoldering. Y/N flew out of the crack, way larger than she had first been, engulfed in blue flame. Her hatred and fury was zeroed in on the white dragon, and the white dragon caught on fire again without even being touched. Y/N's eyes narrowed, and the flames rose higher, grew hotter. The white dragon created a shield close to its body, skin sizzling at the cold contact. Then it began to heal. I watched all its wounds seal themselves up and looked at Y/N. And I realized she couldn't heal herself because she didn't have that quirk. Her blood was being drained so far that when she landed, she nearly collapsed. But her shaking legs kept her up and as stared down the ever growing white dragon. It had sized up, even bigger than her, making her look small. And us humans? We were ants.

Y/N shot into the air, letting the white dragons follow her and disappeared into a massive cloud. All was quiet for a moment, then I was blasts of blue fire, all of them hitting their target. The white dragon's roar seemed to shake the sky, and everything turned into ice crystals. Even the clouds. And then I saw Y/N falling. Her tail was frozen solid. And then I remembered something she'd once said.


"Oh, yeah, my tail? Well, I really need the tail fin to fly. Without it, I'm basically flightless."

"Why's that?" I asked.

"This fin helps me steer, go up, down, left, right, you name it. Without it, I have no control over where I go. My wings wouldn't obey me."

"Oh, I see. So you just need to protect it at all costs."

"Yep. Hit the nail on the head."

-End of flashback-

Her wings were tucked closely to her body, but I could see her dragon was barely in control from spinning. The white dragon's mouth opened, perhaps to give the final blow, but at the last moment she flipped over and shot blue fire down its throat. Immediately, it opened its wings, trying to stop, but they disintegrated. The dragon dove headfirst into the ground, exploding. I watched Y/N trying to outrun the explosion, scampering up the tail. It she could just get to the tail...

But suddenly, the huge tail spike of the white dragon came up, and not matter how hard Y/N tried to dodge, she got impaled and slammed aside. I watched her dragon body shift into her human one as she fell into the inferno below.

"NO!!!" I screamed, falling to my knees in agony. She'd saved us. Saved us all. And now she was dead. The League of Villains had fled, but I couldn't care less about that. I'd loved her. I'd loved her so, so much and now she was gone. I didn't want to cry because of my manliness. Fuck manliness. I began to sob, tears streaming down my cheeks, and Mina came over to comfort me.

"I'm sorry Kirishima," she said gently, "but they'll find her body and you'll get to see her at the funeral." Even she had to hope that Y/N had survived. Then again, I didn't really either. Who could survive something like that? I got up and sullenly followed her back to UA, back to my room, back to my bed. Then I didn't come out for a while. How long? I didn't know. I just grieved and grieved and grieved. Until a knock came on my door. My head shot up, and I imagined it was Y/N, bandaged but alive, saying hi, giving me a kiss, saying she loved me like she used to oh so long ago. But when I opened the door, my smile faded and my heart shriveled up and died. Because Y/N wasn't standing at my door. It was Mina.

I tried to keep the disappointment out of my tone when I said hi, but I don't think I did a very good job because she just rolled her eyes at me.

"Hello, Grumpy," she retorted playfully. It didn't even draw a smile. "You know, Y/N is alive. She's in the infirmary now..." I didn't hear whatever else she said because I dashed off to the infirmary. She was laying in the bed bandaged head to toe like a mummy. In a coma. But alive. I let out a shuddering sigh of relief. 

"She should wake up in about a week," Recovery Girl said behind me.

"'Kay. I'd like to visit everyday if that's okay," I said and she nodded her approval. Then I walked out, my heart feeling ever so slightly better than it had been earlier.

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