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I had stayed for two months with my "new family". It was bad and good at some time. Mam'Nandi was not making things any easier for me. She made it visibly clear that she didn't like me, I yearned to know the reason for that. Dad turned a blind eye and pretended like she saw nothing. I thought moving into a new house would be great but boy was I wrong! I had not gone to school for two months. Dad always said they would fix it. Lwazi and Anele went to school everyday, while I had to stay in the house; cooking and cleaning for them. All chores were to be tended by me. When my mother was alive, I never worked that hard. She always did the housework with me, most was done by her though. She always played with me and pulled my cheeks jokingly. She loved me. I saw it in her eyes everyday. I couldn’t say the same for Mam'Nandi. I had to bear all the hurling insults from her everyday. I had to endure being told how useless I am, that I should have died with my mother. The topic of my mother always hit a nerve because her death was sudden and unexpected. I felt like I didn't have enough time with her. I was still very young and needed my mother.
A car hooted outside and it was my siblings coming back from school. They expected a meal every time they returned from school. I had to make sure that everything was ready.
They came running into the room, throwing their bags on the floor. Leaving them for me to pick them up.
"Kuphi kudla kwethu Nonku?(Where is our food Nonku?"), Lwazi asked, already changing the TV channel. I quickly went to the kitchen and brought their food. They started digging as soon as the spoon landed on their hands. When they were done I went to wash the dishes.

Later on, the parents came back and Mam'Nandi's nostrils flared up like she smelt something bad. She looked everywhere and touched the couch with her fingers, inspecting for any dust. Shame on her because I cleaned thoroughly. I did not want to get slapped accidentally again. That's what mÿ dad said, that she slapped me by accident. "She didn't mean it Nonku, her hand slipped", he said, defending her.

"Did you eat?", she asked her children. They nodded and she directed her eyes to me. I sighed and sat down with them.

Dad:"Well are we not eating?"

That was my cue to go and dish up. I brought the food to the dining room and they ate.

Nandi:"Next time don't add too much salt. You have been cooking for two months, surely you should be used to it by now."

I nodded looking down. I didn't share the same sentiments. The salt I added was adequate but because she was used to complaining I just let it be.

"Dad, am I going back to school next week? You promised that you would register me.", I reminded him. I missed going to school. I was behind on the syllabus. Grade 9 was not hard but I must have missed so many tests.

Dad cleared his throat and looked at Nandi, he seemed so uncomfortable.

Nandi:"Your father is busy. He's working. You want him to leave work and go up and down looking for a school for you?"

I was not talking to her.

Dad:"Yes my princess, things are tough at work. But next week I promise I will register you".

He was lying, I might have been young but I was not stupid. I could tell that he was hiding a lot from me. He didn't tell me a lot of things. I didn't know him to be a secretive person. I had to give up on going back to school, he always made excuses that he would register me soon but he never did. Nandi was more than happy to boast that I would never return to school. She was happy about my sudden turn of life. I was not used to living like a slave. Being treated like I didn't matter. Like I was nothing. I was punished for my mother's sins, whatever she did. May her soul continue resting in peace!

A year passed living under the hands of my cruel stepmother, she was a full on villain by then. She didn't hide who she was anymore. She did her shenanigans in front of my father and he did nothing. The slaps, beatings and insults were all done  in front of him and he did nothing. The man that I had spent 15 years of my life admiring and respecting, turned on me and treated me like an outcast. He loved his other children more than me. He stopped buying clothes for me, stopped caring if I had eaten or not or if I still wanted to go to school. He basically disowned me. I turned invisible in his eyes yet we were living in the same house. I felt chained in that house. Like I was a prisoner. My crime? Only God knew at that point. The neighbors? Everyone minded their business. No one came.to even voice their concerns about the painful screams they heard at night. No one cared to question why I was never allowed to play with other children. They all turned a blind eye.

I noticed that the time was almost 16h00pm and I bolted from my seat heading to the kitchen. Shoot! I completely forgot about cooking. I was thinking about my problems that I did not notice the  time. Stepmother was going to make a fuss if she didn't kill me. The first thing she did when she got back from work was opening the pots so I was in deep shit!
When I heard her footsteps I almost peed on myself because I knew shit was about to go down. It was over for me. She was going to kill me. Her look said it all.

Nandi:"So you didn't cook today? All day? What were you doing?"

The belt was already in her hands. I feared the belt. The buckle would always hit my face on purpose.

"Ma ngiyaxolisa anginakanga isikhathi. Ngizosheshisa. Ubaba uzobuya sengiqedile.(Mom I am sorry I didn't look at the time. I will be fast. I will be done by the time dad returns)", I begged for my life.
She laughed and moved towards me. Every step she took caused me to vibrate and shake with fear. The first whip landed on my thighs and I screamed hoping she would have mercy but no instead it fueled the fire inside her. I felt every whip as it hit every part of my body. Mostly my face! I even ran out of strength to cry and beg her to stop. She didn't stop. She continued beating me. Tears were just flowing from my eyes. I was crying silently thinking of what my mother was saying wherever she was. Was she fighting for me? Or did she also feel powerless like me?

By the time she was satisfied, I was red from bruises and my body was numb. I just needed to nurse myself with hot water and salt.

Nandi:"Your father is expecting food when he gets back. Hurry! Or ngizokuphinda"

The pain didn't matter at that point. I stood up from the floor rushing to continue with the pots. I could not afford to be beaten again.   I was wincing throughout the process. My hands were burning and my left eye was swollen. I could not see clearly. But I had to get it done. Indeed by the time dad returned I was done. He looked at me with pity and asked me what was wrong. I looked at Nandi about to respond but she spoke first.

Nandi:"The neighbors saw her with a boy. Useyajola! I was just fixing her. She's too young to be played by boys".

Dad:"Is that true Nonku?"

Nandi nudged me to agree and I had a hiccup. I told my dad it was true.

Dad:"I am disappointed in you. You are still young to associate yourself with boys"

No, I was disappointed in you dad. I trusted you.
To be continued…..

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