(25) written fate

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a/n: this is supposed to be a "sex, drugs, etc. (beach weather)" kind of vibe, if that's what you're getting as you read, i'm happy. quick warning before, there's also a cigarette, reader isn't the one smoking though, neither is it part of the actual plot, rather the atmosphere, i guess. happy reading! <3

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"You know, these are so beyond bad for your health, don't you?"

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"You know, these are so beyond bad for your health, don't you?"

[Name] flicked her finger at the cigarette Loki was holding loosely as it was dangling from his lips. He scoffed as a response.

"None of your concerns, I believe", he grinned, and she shook her head in disbelief yet with a smile on her lips.

The sun was starting to set at the horizon, painting New York City in golden light as if honey was poured on top of every inch of its buildings. Everything gold and shining. [Name]'s legs dangled from the edge of the roof as she let the gentle evening breezes carry her hair. Next to her? The god of mischief himself. Though the fire escape beneath them would keep them safely at the edge of this building, the image of the streets still peeked through its lattice. Cars honking. People hurrying through the streets on their way home from work.

None of these people knew they were sitting up here.

The smoke of Loki's cigarette painted odd yet beautiful patterns into the air before dissolving into nothing. He would only smoke one or two occasionally, when he was having a hard time for example. She could tell him how harmful cigarettes could be for how many times she wanted, yet she knew he did what he wanted anyway eventually.

A breeze, one that was rather chilly compared to the sultry air that had been lingering within the city all day, ruffled through his black locks, a few now loosely fallen out of place, some others tangled. God, how she wished she could just... let her hand run through them and brush them back into place...

The golden sunlight had illuminated his sharp features fully, his eyelids were closed yet fluttering slightly, and the little crease between his eyebrows remained. A smile made its way onto her lips as she silently appreciated the fact he felt comfortable enough around her to loosen up, at least a little.

He peeked at her from the side, opening one eye only. The sunlight made his teal pupil look like a rare gemstone. "What?"

[Name] tore her eyes off him, back to the busy streets of New York City beneath them, deciding to respond to his question with nothing but a smile.

Everything around them appeared to be so... busy. The world was busy. It weren't only the streets of this city, there was a whole, busy world out there.

"Do you think the future's written, Loki?"

He raised an eyebrow, a hint of a surprised smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I beg your pardon?"

"I'm just saying! Just a question that came up on my mind, m'kay?"

Silence lingered in between them, and for moment it seemed like the noise of New York City's streets started to creep back into the present.

"I mean...", he started, snapping her attention back to him as he was slowly leaning back on his palms, looking at her. "Even if it was, I'd hope that..."

He didn't continue. Much to the displeasure of her curiosity, so she raised her eyebrows, wanting him to speak.

"You'd hope that... what?"

For a moment, the feeling erupting inside of her heart as he simply held eye contact seemed to silence the fluttering in her stomach. Oh, god.

"I'd hope that I get to do this in every single version of the time to come", he whispered, a smile on his lips.

And then... she felt it. His touch.

His slender, slightly cool fingers travelled along the right side of her neck, all the way up to her jaw. They lingered there for a moment, holding her face like a precious crystal before slowly, almost reluctantly, guiding her face towards his. She felt his breath on her skin, hitching slightly as he attempted to brush away a loose strand of her hair out of her face, his gaze wandering across every inch of her features. Just...

The last thing she perceived before her lips settled onto his was the barely audible, almost surprised noise that left her lips. Then the world spun for a second before seeming to stand still.

If he hadn't curbed himself, he would've melted. On the spot, against her touch. This unconscious desire, this craving for her, seemed to finally be stilled. 

The last rays of golden sunlight for that day illuminated their features, their kiss, tickling their faces. And yet they couldn't compare to the way their emotions were prickling, as if a thousand fireworks were exploding beneath their skins.

The moment [Name] and Loki shared as the sun set made it seem like the noisy, busy world all around them was silenced for a moment.

loki laufeyson x female reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now